You're WHAT! (part 2 of Optimus x Megatron's daughter)

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This has been requested. I have written so many stories in the past 2 days, but I love doing this and what the people want they shall receive. Let us get into it.

Y/n looked down at the halopad scared stiff. This was only a 7% chance of ever happening, and she couldn't believe it. She opened her spark chamber, looking at the small form growing.

When all of a sudden her door opened.

Megatron: "Y/n, I need you too -"

He stopped when he noticed it. The small red and silver spark growing and glowing in her spark chamber.

Megatron looked at her growling.

Megatron: "MEDBAY NOW!!!"

Knockout scanned over the growing spark.

Knockout: "No, that can't be right."

Knockout scanned it again before dropping the scanner.

I was scared when dreadwing picked it up before giving me a look of discust and shame.

Dreadwing: "I can't believe you, Y/n."

He handed it to Soundwave, who just walked out, giving it to my sire.


Y/n: "I-i'm sorry I didn't plan for this to happen!"

Megatron: "And I didn't raise you to be a traitor!"

My Sire raised his blaster at me.

Y/n: "S-s-sire?"

He then took the shot, but I dodged just in time, closing my spark chamber with my arm over it.

I screamed in pain, looking down to notice a hole in my shoulder.

Megatron started to walk closer to me.

Megatron: "You have two choices Y/n, 1 get rid of it or 2 die with it."

I looked at my Sire before looking down, holding in my tears.

Y/n: "*whispers* I'm sorry."

I looked up and lunged at him, knocking him over before running out.

Y/n: "It's okay, my dear sparkling. I won't let anyone harm you."

I could hear my sire's pedesteps as he blasted shot after shot towards me.

I dodged every one of them till I made it to the flight deck.

I turned around to see them all .

Soundwave, dreadwing, knockout, and my Sire. All standing side by side.

Y/n: "I will not get rid of my Sparkling, I will not allow you to kill them, and I will never....ever... let you step a foot towards them."

Megatron: "My only Sparkling committing the highest treachery. This is where you end."

I waited for the shot, and once it fired, I dodged, falling back and speeding towards the ground.

Y/n: (not yet, not yet)

I saw the blast around me, and then when the ground came extremely close, I transformed and flew as fast as I could through the trees, losing my Sire in the process.

I didn't stop flying until I got to a darkened overhead and transformed, taking out my comm link and my decepticon tracking.

Once I did that, I smashed them both, then shot the ground, destroying them even further.

I opened my spark chamber, making sure my sparklings small spark was okay before closing it back up and transforming back into a jet.

After a few hours of flying, I came across Jasper Nevada.

TFP Styled Requested Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें