Painful! (Optimus x Airachnid)

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We have a new request. This is going to be very interesting since I have never written Airachnid with anyone, so this will be good practice for when or if I do an airachnid x reader. Let's get to it.

The woods were dark and looming. Spider webs coveted the entire surrounding area as the dark sadistic spider loomed. Her insecticon hive was all gone placed in hold on Megatron ship, and she wasn't planning on going there anytime soon.

Airachnid: "Scrap this heat cycle.

Airachnid: "This was so much easier to handle before the war."

As airachnid walked through her territory, she saw a shadow through the darkness.

Two mechs in a fight. Looking close, she saw it was Optimus and Dreadwing.

Airachnid: "Heh.....I remember when Optimus used to obliterate me back on cybertron. Oh, well. It's not like I loved him enough to stay with him. "

Airachnid turned around, drilling into the ground to her cave area.

She laid down as she was taken back to the simple times.

Her and Orion used to be a thing on Cybertron. That was until everything fell. The war started, and she let Orion go for a stupid reason of not going to the same side as her. Later on, she went insane as her kind so often does over time.

As she layed, she didn't realize that a curious audobot was tresepassing in unknown territory.

Optimus was curious when the smell hit his censory nodes.

Optimus: "Ugh- the scrap."

He followed it until he found the tunnel. Looking at it, he noticed it was big enough from all the times it's been drilled again and again. Slipping into the tight area he crawled through until he found a big opening. Lichen and vines growing from the ceiling and spider webs everywhere.

He them looked over and saw airachnid clutching her tanks in a fetal position whimpering.

Optimus walked forward, looking at her.

Optimus: "Airachnid."

He spoke firmly enough to stir her awake, and she immediately tried attacking.

Only for Optimus to grab her arms and extra legs to hold them up against the wall. He had his hips between her stabilizers and stared at her through concerned optics.

Airachnid: "Let go of me autobot."

Optimus didn't say anything. Instead, he held her gaze. Staring her down.

Optimus: "You're in pain."

Airachnid: "No, I'm not."

Optimus: "Really, heat cycles barly ever mess with Primes. This one is particularly stronger than others, especially for you."

Airachnid: "Oh, what do you know."

Optimus: "Do you forget we used to be something on cybertron. I remember every little curve of your body, the areas that you like and hate being touched, and I also remember all of your sweet spots on your body."

Airachnid: "Oh, really. I dought that."

Optimus brought his helm closer to her neck cables before retracting his mask and biting down on the one specific wire that drove Airachnid crazy.

Airachnid: "*moans* n-n-no I will n-not be *moans* t-tamed by an autobot."

Optimus: "Give in airachnid, let me help you, you're in pain."

Airachnid: "Ugh- ahhck."

She was squirming. The firey pain shooting through her.

Optimus was concerned knowing this was a specific heat cycle and possibly the most painful one she would go through.

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