So many Surprises. (Megatron x Decepticon femme reader)

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Warning: May have second-hand embarrassment.

Y/n laid in her, and Megatrons room clutching onto her tanks. They had been hurting for a few days now and really started to concern her.

She had been looking in the mirror more questioning if something was wrong. Her hips were wider, and her figure began to resort and form itself.

As she looked at herself, she felt another burst of pain shoot through her back, causing her to groan.

Y/n: "Ugh scrap....Alright maybe I should go see Knockout."

As Y/n walked through the ship, the soldiers around all bowed and greeted her with formalities such as my queen madam and my lady.

Soon, she reached the med bay.

Upon entering, she saw Breakdown at the terminal looking over something while Knockout was examining a tool not too far off.

Y/n: "Hey guys. I didn't come at a bad time, did I?"

Knockout and Breakdown looked over before they smiled.

Breakdown: "Nope. Is there something you need, my lady?"

Y/n: "Indeed, Knockout, I was wondering if you could give me a check-up real quick. I've been feeling sick and having rushes of cramps lately."

Knockout: "Of course, my Queen."

Knockout took Y/n's servo, leading her over to the medical berth like he often did before her and Megatron had gotten together.

As Breakdown continued looking over the graphs, Knockout scanned over her body before the device buzzed.

Knockout: "Hmm.....Interesting."

Y/n: "What is it?"

Knockout: "Wait, right here."

Knockout turned and started walking out towards a tool room when Breakdown looked over to her.

Breakdown: "Y/n.....have you and Lord Megatron spark bonded fully yet?"

Y/n: "Yes."

Breakdown walked over before laying his servo on her tanks when Knockout walked out with an x ray.

Breakdown: "Knockout scan right here."

Knockout turned it on and scanned over the spot when he gasped and brought it up on screen.

Y/n: "Is that?"

Knockout: "Y/n, looks like you, my dear queen, are Sparked."

Y/n was shocked and overjoyed as she jumped up and grabbed onto Knockout and Breakdown.

Y/n: "Thanks, guys. Oh! I've gotta go tell Megatron!"

Knockout and breakdown chuckled before getting back to work.

Y/n ran to the front of the ship only for Megatron to not be in there.

Y/n looked around before looking up to see Dreadwing and Soundwave.

Y/n: "Have either of you seen Megatron?"

Dreadwing: "He's down on the battlefield, Madam."

Y/n: "Okay, thanks."

Y/n quickly rushed off again while Soundwave tilted his head in confusion.

As Y/n ran across the upper deck, she ran past the vehicon troops who were brought back from the feild, who looked up to stare at her before shrugging and laying back against the ship walls.

Soon, Y/n was flying through the air before landing on the battlefield.

Y/n: "Megatron, you're gonna have an heir!"

Instantly, the battle stopped, and Megatron looked over.

Megatron: "What?"

Y/n: "I'm Sparked!"

Arcee and airachnid stopped and looked over before they squealed and ran to her.

They hugged her, saying congrats how far along and many many other terms for "Tell me everything."

As they did, many of the vehicon troopers were covering their audios along with Bulkhead and Bumblebee.

Optimus and Megatron just stared before looking at each other.

Optimus immediately put his blaster and sword away.

Megatron gave Y/n his full attention before walking over to hold her face in his hands.

Megatron: "You're sparked."

Y/n nodded in happiness when Megatron smiled and picked her up, embracing Y/n.

Megatron then looked over at the autobots before speaking.

Megatron: "We can finish this later. Soundwave open a bridge."

Next thing anybody knew, Megatron was walking through the bridge with a very happy Y/n snuggling into his armor.

Soon, the entire ship knew about the soon to be heir and were all excited, yet a tad bit scared on how the little prince or princess would act.

As Megatron and Y/n laid in their room, Megatron glided his servos over her now swollen tanks.

The next thing he knew, he felt a strong kick, causing Megatron's eyes to shoot open.

Y/n: "Hehehe, it looks like our little spark is excited to meet their sire."

Megatron: "It would seem so my love."

Megatron looked into Y/n's optics before grabbing her into a kiss when they heard a knock on the door.

Knockout soon walked in, holding a data pad.

Knockout: "Okay, I got the information. Do you want to know if it's a mech or a femme."

Megatron and Y/n looked at each other before they both knodded.

Knockout looked at the data pad before smiling.

Knockout: "It would seem you my liege and queen are having a Mech."

Y/n and Megatron both smiled before looking at her tanks.

Y/n: "My beautiful son. Damn we should probably start thinking of names."

Megatron: "Indeed. Perhaps something along the lines of ancients."

Y/n nodded when Knockout spoke up.

Knockout: "What about Alpha Maximus."

They both looked over at Knockout when he said it.

Knockout: "You know Alpha as in Alpha Trion and Maximus as in Leige Maximo. Both sound pretty good together."

Megatron and Y/n looked at Knockout.

Megatron then brought his helm down towards Y/n's tank.

Megatron: "Kick if yes, my son."

Y/n laughed.

Y/n: "That's not gonna work."

But the moment she said that she squeaked feeling the Sparkling kick.

Megatron smirked, looking up at her.

Y/n: "AlphaMaximus it is."

Megatron and Y/n both smiled as they looked at her tanks extremely excited for the little spark to come into the world.

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