Somebody to love (Ratchet x femme Decepticon)

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Sorry I haven't posted. Been busy with school being a dick and the seasons changing so fast that my poor body can't decide whether to be tired, happy, cold, hot, or depressed.

Anyways hope you all enjoy this new chapter. Lets get to it.

Optimus and Ratchet continued through the mines as they finished up their comm with base.

Optimus: "Be careful and watch your step old friend. We don't want the mine to cave in on us."

Ratchet: "That is a possibility if these mines are extremely old. Which by the look of the walls it's still sorta fresh."

Optimus was about to speak when the ground started to shake.

Optimus and Ratchet stumbled before the ground cracked open.

Ratchet: "Optimus!"

Optimus tried to reach for Ratchet only for the roof to cave in causing him to pull back.

Optimus: "Ratchet there should be another exit! I'll try to clear the entrance-"

Ratchet then felt the ground go out causing him to slide down to the bottom of the cave.

Ratchet: "Scrap...."

Ratchet then tried to comm Optimus only to receive static instead.

Ratchet: "Well that's just great.....ugh...hopefully Optimus can clear a path for the exit."

Ratchet got up and started to look around before walking further into the tunnel.

Ratchet continued on when he heard groaning and whimpers.

As Ratchet turned the corner he saw who was making the sounds.

A small femme con was struggling trying to get out from beneath the rocks. Both of her legs were trapped under the rubble from the roof and cave around her.

Ratchet was stunned when the femme looked over shocked and scarred.

She started to struggle more as Ratchet continued to walk towards her.

?: "Please don't come closer...."

Ratchet simply continued walking while she started to cry and beg him not to kill her.

Ratchet then walked over to the rocks and dug his servos beneath them before heaving them off her legs and throwing them to the side.

Ratchet: "There we go...."

Ratchet then looked at the con who tried crawling away from him only for Ratchet to gently lift her up and set her up against the wall instead.

Ratchet then started to prepare his medical kit before getting to work. He was gentle with all of his tools and his servos.

The con watched him carefully as he started to rub and kiss her thighs causing her to jump and tremble.

Ratchet: "You are such a beautiful con."

Ratchet then carefully climbed up to her and kissed her causing the con to tremble and falter.

The con then started to moan as Ratchet messaged her thighs and breasts.

Ratchet then pulled away from her only to see her blushing face.

Ratchet: "You are so fragging adorable."

?: "Th-thankyou...."

Ratchet then cupped the side of her face before he looked into her optics.

Ratchet: "May I know your name?"

?: "It's Y/n"

Ratchet: "Y/ are simply gorgeous....there is no one else I would ever raise a family with than somebody like you."

Y/n was shocked before she smiled and jumped into his chest.

Y/n: "That has always been my biggest wish."

Ratchet was shocked before he felt her pull away only to kiss him deep. Her tongue quickly found its way into his mouth and throat only for her to feel something against her lower half.

Ratchet then heard a transformation sequence before he opened his spark chamber with her and bonded their sparks together in a fiery passion of love, wonder, and lust.

As they finished spark bonding Ratchet lifted her up and started to try and follow Optimus's life signal.

Eventually Ratchet made it out of the cave only to see a shocked Optimus.

After a few weeks Y/n's legs were fully healed. She had already helped. Destroying quite a few of Megatron's plans catching the trust of everyone else.

The next night Y/n laid with Ratchet in their shared berth as she started to rub her sides and stomach.

Ratchet: "Something wrong love?"

Y/n: "Do you think.....Do you think I could......carry sparklings?"

Ratchet was shocked before he stood up and walked over to her taking her servo and placing it onto her spark.

Ratchet: "Your spark and body is strong my love....if anybody can carry a beautiful sparkling it's you."

Y/n looked up at him before kissing him on the cheek and smiled as they stood there and cuddled happy and content.

Welp I do hope you enjoyed this part and that you all are having a great day, night, wherever you are in the world keep living your life to the fullest and don't forget to grab your dreams by the reins and hold on tight.

Post again soon. Bye-bye.

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