An Alliance at form. (Starscream x Predaseeker queen)

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Y/q/n: "I will not lose my daughters because of you playing hard-headed."

Starscream: "My love, I just don't see why ending the war would work better."

Y/q/n: "Clutch was kidnapped. If our youngest of our first hadn't falled for Bumblebee, he could have died. The situation could've been a lot worse."

Starscream: "I know."

Y/q/n: "Two of our daughters are with autobots. One is with Megatron. If we don't end this war now, it'll break Angelwing's and Y/n's sparks."

Starscream: "I know....."

As they were talking, Blazetail and Dreamtail both walked in along with Flameclaw.

Flameclaw: "Hey carrier, sire."

Y/q/n: "Hello my sons....Where's clutch?"

Flameclaw: "Oh, he's outside with Angelwing and Y/n."

Y/q/n: "See, they're outside right now."

Starscream: " I know, darling, I know. Just let's keep talking about it. Plan on it."

Y/q/n: "We've been talking about it ever sense it happened, my dear."

Flameclaw: "We're not having another clutch of siblings again, right?"

Y/q/n: "No....not yet...."

The bothers looked at each other before turning towards the hall walking towards their room.

Over time, Y/q/n finally convinced Starscream to come to an agreement, and now they were standing in Iacon talking to the autobots.

Ultra Magnus: "And why would an alliance and an official end to this war provide exactly?"

Starscream: "My children's happiness."

Bulkhead: "You mean your army and troops?"

Starscream: "No, not just my troops. My family."

The autobots were all shocked as they looked at each other.

Bumblebee: "Does Y/n know about this?"

Y/q/n: "None if our Sparklings know yet."

The autobots all looked to each other. Bumblebee and Starscream shook hands and formed a peace treaty, both of them signing it.

Then, they both made a copy to place in their homes.

Starscream and Y/q/n both smiled as their kids read over the peace treaty.

Their three daughters who were named looked at them and smiled before grabbing their parents in their arms, then turning to transform and fly off towards their mates.

The sons smiled as they turned to them.

Flameclaw: "Does that mean we can go find our own mates?"

Starscream: "Indeed."

The sons looked to each other.

Flameclaw: "Okay, like I said, I want Skylynx."

Dreamtail: "I call Darksteel."

Blazetail: "Yeah, good luck with them, but I want an autobot. I ain't getting predaking shoved up my port."

The brothers all laughed as they turned walking away.

Starscream: "Welp.....guess my sons are interested in someone that hates me."

Y/q/n: "I'm sure it'll be alright. If not, I'll talk to them."

Starscream looked at his mate admiringly as the rest of their kids started to look smile.

They then saw little Clutch running over to them, jumping up into their arms.

Starscream: "Guess we got that Bumblebee to thank for being in love with our daughter."

Y/q/n: "Yeah, and you got me to thank for barring the eggs these kids came from."

Starscream smiled before whispering into her ear.

Starscream: "Maybe so... but u want a good frag tonight. Not to make kids....just to do so."

Y/q/n smiled as she placed Clutch down.

Y/q/n: "Alright kids, why don't you all go for a fly. Me and your sire are gonna go relax."

The kids all smiled at them before turning to run off. They called out to their siblings as they flew out.

Y/q/n: "So am I being top tonight?"

Starscream: "Oh my no, my dear.....You....are getting bound up....and I'm gonna be fragging you until the break of dawn."

Y/q/n: "Ooh....can't wait then."

As the night went on, Starscream did what he intended to do, but what he didn't know was that back at the autobot base, a certain son of theirs was backing a very flustered commander up against the wall.

Ultra magnus: "Blazetail.....we really shouldn't be -"

Blazetail: "Oh, come on, commander....our war is over, and we both know that we were destiny to be. Plus, I'm done keeping it a secret......"

Blazetail smiled as he pulled Magnus up against his chest and kissed him hard.

Blazetail then broke apart: "Heh....You're such a fragging bottom."

Magnus huffed in defeat before groaning.

Magnus: "Shut up....just continue with this deed of yours."

Blazetail bent closer to Magnus's neck.

Blazetail: "Oh....I will....My little Commander."

Okay, so.....I know that this was only supposed to focus on Starscream and his queen. But I loved the idea of Blazetail being with Magnus.

Anyways I hope you all have a great day, night, wherever you are in the world. Keep living your life to the fullest and chase your dreams till you catch them. Post again soon. Bye-bye.

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