Intimidating yet sexy. (Shockwave x Femme Decepticon)

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Alrighty I sincerely apologize for the wait I know that it takes a while. Anyways As you can see this is for a Shockwave request so let's get to it.

⚠️ Warning ⚠️: Lemon ahead.

Y/n walked throughout the area trying to figure out what was going on with everyone only for her to turn a corner and see Megatron and Soundwave walk by which was normal but who she wasn't expecting to see was Shockwave.

Y/n only stared in awe at the mad scientist considering she had been told he passed to the allspark. Y/n had never actually met Shockwave face to face and only heard him speak to multiple bots at once or to just Megatron and Soundwave only.

Once they passed down the rest of the hall Y/n walked past only to accidentally observe Shockwave in the process.

Y/n: (Damn he's hot...Wait what-)

Y/n simply shook the thought away from her before she continued on with her day.

Later that night Y/n stumbled tiredly towards her room only to not notice the pede steps from around the corner before she accidentally bumped into someone.

Y/n stumbled before she felt someone grab her waist causing her to open her eyes and blush as she stared in the Scientists optic.

Shockwave: "Would it not be logical to keep your optics open."

Y/n: "I-I'll remember that next time."

Shockwave helped her up before he walked around her and continued down the hall.

Y/n just stared as she blushed before she walked back towards her room.

Eventually Y/n only started to fall harder for the mech. Her spark raced and her body froze anytime he walked past her or spoke to her directly. The gruffness in his voice the way he has a strong body. Everything about him she loved. True he didn't have a mouth and only had one eye and one arm but she still liked him.

Y/n eventually started getting bolder. She would try and talk to him or walk around casually in the lab pretending to look for something like a buffer or a tool which didn't raise any flags for Shockwave.

It did however seem strange to others causing them to ask her about it only for them to put her down saying he'd never want anything to do with a sparkling let alone a spark mate.

Later on after her friends talked to her about it she finally just decided she was gonna leave towards her room early only to go to the lab and see Shockwave working with a predacon bone at the console.

Y/n stared at him for a little bit before she walked over and looked at the bone.

Shockwave: "May I help you Y/n."

Y/n: "I think you need some rest. You look like your body may give out on you."

Shockwave: "Illogical, my body does not need nowhere near as much energy as yours."

Y/n only looked at him concerned before she touched the metal on his back and began to stroke and messaged the smoother metal and wires causing Shockwave to flinch ever so slightly at the sudden touching.

Y/n: "Come on I can tell you need a break. You don't need to act all tense and okay. Just get some rest you never know your mind and body could be resisting each other."

Shockwave only hummed as he finished scanning the bone when his audio fins perked up at the feeling of softness in his neck.

Shockwave only hummed slightly before Y/n stopped to stare at him.

Y/n: "You know it's obvious you're superior to the other mechs on this ship. Tell me have you ever thought about having a spark mate doctor?"

Shockwave: ".....Not in a long time. However it is illogical that you would bring up such a thing."

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