Why did you run? (jazz x femme reader)

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I have gotten this request for a jazz, and while he isn't in tfp, he was in rid, so for the sake of this and the readers, we are putting him in this story.

The snow whipped and whirled all around her pod, and her temperature was going down fast. She tried going through all of the frequencies before she finally found one that was clear.

Y/n: "H-hello, this is y/y/n. I'm an autobot survivor trapped in the snow. Does anyone read me."

All she got was some static and a couple of slurred words that she couldn't make out.

Y/n: "P-please if you can hear me, I require help. If you read please answer.

Back at autobot base

Ralph: "Ratchet! There is a voice signal coming over the speakers."

Ratchet ran over to make out the rest of the message before calling Optimus.

Optimus: "Open the ground bridge. We have no idea how long she's been out there."

Opening the ground bridge, him and Arcee rushed through, finding the pod almost completely snowed over.

Arcee: "I hope she's not dead."

It took them a short while before they uncovered it and opened it up to see her.

Y/n looked up at them with blurry optics.

Optimus reached down to

Optimus: "Come on, let's get you out of here."

The bots were all waiting at the base. Bee and Jazz were chilling with Magnus while Ratchet prepared medbay when they looked over to see Optimus and Arcee helping a bashed up autobot into the base.

The bots stayed around watching Ratchet while Miko was asking heaps of questions, to which she answered until Miko asked for her story.

Y/n: "I would rather not discuss my past."

All the autobots started to get slightly tensed all except Optimus, bee, jazz, and, of course, Smoke.

Optimus: "Jazz, why don't you show Y/n around the base."

Jazz: "You got it, prime."

Over the corse of two weeks, Ratchet got even more suspicious of Y/n.

Jazz: "You're just paranoid, Ratchet. She's an autobot hustled like the rest of us."

Ratchet: "I'm just saying don't get too attached. We don't know anything about her."

Little did they know Y/n was listening close by. Ratchet wasn't the only one, though. Magnus was expressing his concerns with Optimus. Wheeljack and Bulk would give her strange looks, and Arcee wouldn't let her get anywhere close to the humans or would keep them away from her.

Y/n: (Obviously, I'm not welcomed here.....guess that makes sense, though.)

The next morning.

Optimus awoke to the sound of pounding on his berthroom door.

Jazz: "Optimus! Optimus, wake up!."

Optimus stood up grogily and walked to his door, opening it up to see a very worried and worked up Jazz.

Optimus: "Wha-"

"Y/n is missing!"

Optimus didn't even get a sentence out before Jazz started to tell Optimus about how he found the bridge warm and the emergency shut-down light flashing on the screen.

Optimus told Jazz to go wake everyone else up as fast as possible, to which Jazz simply transformed, turned his music on high, and started playing the loudest cybertronian music ever recorded.

Optimus: "Ratchet, have you located her signal?"

Ratchet: "Still trying Prime."

Magnus: "We will need to scold her once she gets back."

Smokescreen: "Scold her for what? Being unhappy."

Arcee: "She was untrustworthy in the first place."

Jazz:" No, she wasn't. You all were just paranoid. I know Ratchet was."

Ratchet: "Found her signal."

Ratchet then powered up the space bridge, to which Jazz immediately jumped through only to see her extremely hurt and decepticons surrounding her.

Jazz: "Get away from her, you fragging scrap heaps."

He rushed at them, kicking them all away and blasting a couple of others when he heard Optimus behind him.

Optimus: "Autobots Attack!!"

The decepticons immediately started to engage with the rest of the autobots.

Optimus: "Jazz, go stay with y/n. we'll handle the rest."

Jazz rushed over to her. She was leaking badly, but his main concern was her messed up door fin and her arm, which had a broken rod sticking out of a gash in her armor.

Y/n: "Jazz? What are you...?"

Jazz: "Protecting you like an autobot should."

He started blasting at a couple of decepticons to help the rest of the team while he talked to her.

Jazz: "Why did you leave."

Y/n: "I didn't feel welcomed."

Jazz: "What!!"

Soon, the battle was over, and the decepticon lied in the snow.

Back at base.

Jazz: "You left cause you felt unwelcome?"

Y/n: "Sorry for worrying you, Jazz. I just heard everything and saw all the dirty looks some of you gave me... so I left."

Optimus: "I apologize for this, Y/n."

Y/n: "It's not your fault. I guess I should have told you all before."

Y/n: "It all started at my home planet. Paradon, my home planet, was a planet that housed war refugees."

Miko: "What happened to it?"

Y/n: "Everything was fine at first. We were all in our place what you humans call school."
" My parents were both war refugees who moved their to keep me safe. It worked for a while until everything came crashing down."
" A small decepticon subordinate group came and convinced my planet senate that they just wanted peace and a place to stay."
"But after a few months, everything started to burn. They had gotten into the senate and destroyed them. Built giant war machines and caused my home to go into oblivion. My parents were able to help me escape and forced me to leave them behind."
"I have no idea if they ever got away. But I saw my planet get destroyed."

Arcee: "As in go dark."

Y/n: "As in blow up into nothing but rock and space dust."

The autobots all looked shocked as Y/n started to cry.

Y/n: "S-sorry, I know that this isn't what you w-were expecting."

Optimus then placed a servo on her shoulder.

Optimus: "You have no reason to be sorry."

Arcee: "If anything, we should apologize to you."

Jazz then took y/n servo, allowing her to embrace him in a tight hug.

The entire time Ratchet fixed Y/n. Jazz sat by her side. Comforting her and making sure that no one would ever harm her again.

This was so fun to write. I hope you all enjoy it and have a nice day, night wherever you are in the world. Bye bye

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