His Goddess (Dreadwing x femme autobot seeker)

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Warning: This is a lemon

Dread wing kept on flying as he scanned his surroundings. He needed a good fly after Starscream was welcomed back aboard the nemisis only this time. Dreadwing stayed the second in command.

Dreadwing: "That murderer being allowed back..."

Dreadwing then saw his scanners pick up a signal.

Dreadwing: "An autobot signal...."

Dreadwing enhanced his jets boosters flying as fast as he could towards the autobot.

Soon, he saw the jet, and instantly, it sped up.

Dreadwing started shooting at the bot only for it to barrel roll and dive down dodging each and every one of the bullets. That was when dreadwing got mad and shot his missles at the jet.

Dreadwing watched as it dodged the first, but the second hit the underside of the bot, causing it to start falling only for it to spin out of control onto the mountainous plateau below.

Dreadwing: "Gotcha."

Dreadwing started flying down, transforming at the start of the trail and reaching behind him, grabbing his sword and keeping it in front of him.

As he followed the path, he eventually found the final crash spot. Smoke and sparks flew all around the area.

He walked up and held his sword above him about to strike when the smoke cleared and Dreadwing's vent caught in his throat.

In front of him laid a beautiful femme.

Dreadwing: "A.....Goddess..."

Dreadwing lowered his arms, dropping his sword as he fell onto his knees.

Dreadwing knew she was in pain, leaking, and fading fast.

Hr then grabbed his sword, putting it on his back before gently picking her up.

She struggled slightly from the pain before he called for a bridge.

Once it opened, he immediately ran through.

The vehicon stood at the terminal.

Dreadwing: "Where's Knockout!!"

In the medbay.

Megatron: "You brought an Autobot here!"

Dreadwing: "My liege, please allow me to make her into a decepticon."

Megatron: "And, how do you intend to do that."

Dreadwing: "I wish to make her my sparkmate."

Megatron laughed at that before he starred into Dreadwings optics.

Megatron: "Do you think you can convince her to mate with a decepticon such as yourself."

Dreadwing: "I believe I can."

Knockout then piped up.

Knockout: "Don't get your hopes up, Commander. I'm not sure she'll make it. I patched her up, but her body may be way too weak to care for her spark."

Dreadwing: "Then open her sparkchamber."

Knockout: "Really? Are you that determined?"

Dreadwing: "Just do it."

Knockout only sighed as he rolled his optics before waving him off and opening her spark chamber.

Dreadwing walked over to her before gently lifting her up.

Dreadwing: "I know you don't know who I am, but please allow me to help you."

Her spark surged slightly as Dreadwing opened his sparkchamber.

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