loose canons. (Bulkhead x Breakdown's sister)

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Apologies for the wait. With Christmas came time for relaxation. I do hope that you enjoy this story part.

Bulkhead pushed up against Breakdown as he tried to regain his balance before he shoved Breakdown a few feet away before rushing towards him.

Bulkhead was about to punch before feeling someone bash him away from breakdown causing Bulkhead to groan only to look up and see a femme hauling Breakdown up as she held a war axe.

Breakdown: "Thanks sis."

?: "No prob."

Bulkhead only watched as his spark skipped a beat before Breakdown rushed at Bulkhead as he was getting up.

Breakdown: "You focus on me!"

Bulkhead simply groaned before he pushed Breakdown back only for the femme to rush by catching his attention.

Breakdown growled before he hit Bulkhead in the face.

Breakdown: "Eyes off my Sister Bulkhead."

Bulkhead only groaned before grabbing Breakdown and throwing him across the battlefield before going and helping Arcee with the femme.

Arcee held on the femmes battle-axe pushing her back.

?: "heh been a while Arcee."

Arcee only jumped back as Bulkhead grabbed the axe out of her servos tossing it away.

The femme only looked up at him and smirked before she uppercut him in the jaw only for the cons to retreat.

Bulkhead looked up as she grabbed her axe and ran through the cons bridge.

Bulk oy groaned as he got up before looking at Arcee.

Bulk: "Who was that?"

Arcee: "You've never met Y/n before? I thought you and Breakdown knew everything about each other."

Bulk: "Apparently not everything...."

Bulk only held his jaw as he looked at the area the bridge used to be.

Bulk: ("Damn she packs a good punch")

Over the days and nights there were more and more battles and Bulk almost always got to see Y/n and even though he would try to fight around her to try and catch her attention almost every time Breakdown would rush a bull and keep Bulk's attention instead.

Breakdown and Y/n walked through the bridge as Y/n held her axe over her shoulders.

Y/n: "That green autobot what's his name again?"

Breakdown: "Bulkhead, used to be my spare partner before the war. Why do yah ask?"

Y/n: "Because Everytime we're on the battlefield he tries to fight around me instead of just challenging me. It makes me so fragging mad."

Breakdown: "Don't worry I'll make sure he doesn't."

Y/n: "You're so overprotective I can handle myself. I want to finish what we started but you take him on each time."

Breakdown only rolled his optics as they walked into the med bay to see Knockout.

Knockout: "Ah Breakdown would you mind grabbing a couple of the crates in the back, the really big ones while I give Y/n a check-up."

Breakdown only chuckled before walking to the back.

Y/n only sat on the berth as Knockout checked her out.

Knockout: "Your paint job is looking quite beautiful today Y/n. Have you been bugging it lately?"

Y/n: *chuckles* "Everyday Knockout."

Knockout: "And your armor is nice and smooth been taking care of yourself."

Y/n: *rolls her optics* "Knockout we've been over this. I see you like a brother there is no need to flirt with me."

Knockout: "I know but I just can't help but compliment such a beautiful paint job."

Y/n only laughed as Knockout continued the check-up when Breakdown brought in the crate.

Breakdown: "You flirting with my sister again Knocky?"

Knockout only stiffened up before he blushed blue and walked off.

Y/n only laughed as she watched him leave.

Y/n: "Oh my gosh I love it when you flirt with him it's hilarious."

Breakdown only laughed and smiled as well before he hauled Y/n up and walked back throughout the ship.

Over the days and nights Bulkhead noticed that Breakdown and Y/n were almost never on the battlefield anymore making him worry slightly.

Bulkhead drove quietly through the woods before he heard something causing him to transform and walk through the trees only to see Y/n sitting up against a giant tree as she cried.

Bulkhead: ".....Hey Y/n..."

Y/n opened her optics and looked at him as her tears fell down her face.

Y/n: "What are you doing here Autobot.....you want a fight or something."

Bulkhead: "Primus no, I was just driving through when I heard you so I thought I'd check it out."

Y/n only looked away before getting in a small ball as she cried.

Y/n: "Well now you know. Just leave....you have no reason to be here."

Bulkhead only frowned before looking around him then behind him before walking forward and sitting down with her.

Y/n: "......you're not gonna leave until I tell you aren't yah."

Bulkhead: "Yeah...I'm pretty persistent."

Y/n: "I can tell....no wonder Breakdown didn't like you. He would hate seeing you so close to me."

Bulkhead: "Yeah he probably would. Wait what do you mean didn't?"

Y/n: "he.....*huffs* he's....gone."

Y/n only closed her optics before she started to cry into her arms.

Bulkhead was shocked as she cried before he looked around only to pull her into him catching her off guard.

Bulk: "I know I could never bring him back but the least I can do is try and comfort you."

Y/n was shocked as she looked up at him before she grabbed onto his chest piece and cried into his neck.

Bulk sat there for a while before he looked up noticing a bridge open up only to see Arcee and the Bumblebee walk through.

Arcee was shocked to see Y/n laying up against his chest.

Bulkhead: "hey Y/n....I've gotta go."

Y/n only grabbed his chest more.

Bulkhead: ".....Okay....let's go then."

Bulkhead carefully picked her up and walked through the bridge carrying her carefully.

Y/n held on before looking up to see Optimus and Ratchet looking at her.

Breakdown: "It's okay Y/n. I'll explain to them later alright."

Y/n only nodded as Bulkhead sat her up against the wall before sitting down next to her.

Alright I do hope you all liked this and that you all have a great day, night, wherever you are in the world. Sorry this was sad but I do hope you enjoyed it nonetheless. Anyways post again soon. Keep living your life to the fullest. Bye-bye.

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