Don't judge. (Smokescreen x Arcee)

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Alright this ship is actually pretty cute. Not as cute as Arcee and Cliffjumper but still cute alright let's get to it.

Smokescreen watched the way that Arcee moved. Her hips enticed him as she walked. Her voice was pretty soothing when she wasn't tense from the Decepticons. And the way she fought on the battlefield was even better.

Ever since he first met her he thought she was gorgeous. Her metal shined and the fact that she was faster than him even when he drove recklessly was just perfect.

When he was watching Arcee leave he felt a punch on his shoulder causing him to flinch and break out of his daze.

Wheeljack: "You okay kid?"

Smokescreen: "Uh yeah...sorry I was just-"

Wheeljack: "Admiring a pretty lady?"

Smokescreen: "No!.....I was"

Wheeljack: *Chuckles* "You're blushing, kid. Don't worry I won't judge."

Smokescreen: " I'm not worried about you judging. I'm worried she'll hear you. I don't want her to know that I like her."

Arcee listened to their conversation while she was outside with the kids.

Arcee: *"Hmm....The kid likes me huh....."*

Arcee only closed her optics and smirked as the kids worked on homework outside.

Over the weeks Arcee paid closer attention to Smokescreen. So much so that she noticed that every time he looked over he looked towards her face first then looked at her body afterwards.

She also noticed that whenever he talked to her he didn't stutter or anything he just kept his composure. Soon Arcee was booked. She started to notice more and more about him. The way his optics glowed, the way he was never willing to back down from a challenge, the way that he always did the right thing even with his cockiness.

Arcee looked up at him almost every time he walked into the room. Soon she was done waiting.

Arcee: "Hey Smokescreen!"

Smokescreen looked up from what he was doing before looking at Arcee.

Smokescreen: "Yeah?"

Arcee: "You're with me. We're going on patrol."

Smokescreen looked at Ratchet before he followed Arcee.

They drove for a long while in silence only for Arcee to speed up and zoom off.

Arcee: "*Catch me if you can Smoke.*"

Smokescreen's engine rumbled before he chuckled and chased after her.

Smokescreen swerved and zoomed around the turns keeping Arcee in his sights before she made a sharp turn into a woodland area.

Smokescreen made the same sharp turn only to find that Arcee was nowhere to be seen.

Smokescreen transformed and started walking carefully through the area.

Smokescreen: "Arcee? Where'd yah go?"

Smokescreen heard rustling and movement all around him.

Arcee: "I heard you liked me Smoke."

Smokescreen looked to where her voice came from only for her chuckle to come from a different area.

Smokescreen: "What's so funny?"

Smokescreen felt a servo on his back along with a voice in his audio.

Arcee: "You of course "

Smokescreen whipped around only for Arcee to not be there.

Smokescreen: "Are you teasing me right now?"

Arcee: " you could say that."

Smokescreen then grunted as he was knocked down onto the wooded and mossy ground.

Smokescreen only grunted as he started to get up only for Arcee to lunge at him and push him onto his back.

Smokescreen looked up at Arcee with a blush across his face only for Arcee to chuckle and seize a kiss.

Smokescreen hummed as Arcee but his top lip then the bottom before she slipped her tongue into his mouth.

Smokescreen started to huff and moan as Arcee kissed him before they broke apart only to kiss again.

Arcee started to explore his mouth even more until Smokescreen engaged with her allowing their tongues to fight for dominance.

Soon Arcee moaned before she took control again and bit Smokescreen's tongue causing him to shiver as Arcee finished exploring before she pulled away.

Smokescreen and Arcee huffed before he kissed her this time exploring her mouth and lips.
Smokescreen started to nibble her lip as his servo held her side only for it to glide down to her hip before he laid it on her aft.

Arcee only moaned before she and him broke the kiss.

Arcee only looked down at him before she smiled.

Arcee: "You're not a bad kisser Smoke."

Smokescreen only blushed before he smiled.

Smokescreen: "Not so bad yourself....then again I doubt you'd be bad at kissing."

Arcee only chuckled as she got to his audio and whispered.

Arcee: "I've still got plenty of tricks, Smokescreen."

Arcee then nibbled his audio as they laid there beneath the skies.

I think we all know who the top is in this relationship.

Alrighty I do hope you all enjoyed this and that you have a great day, night, wherever you are in the world. Post again soon. bye-bye.

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