Upsetting goodbyes (Bemblebee x adopted femme reader)

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⚠️ WARNING⚠️ : extremely sad. Mention panic attack.

Y/n sat on the battlefield field in pain. Decepticons and autobots all around her, just staring.

A decepticon holding a blaster stepped back as everyone saw her body convulsing.

She held her brother and sparkmate close as she cried out more.


Y/n cried more and more before she screamed out. Her spark gave out a racing pulse, causing all the decepticons to step back.

She opened her optics to see Megatron staring at her from across the battlefield while the deceoticon stood back a ways.

She then stood up, allowing Hot Rod's and Cliffjumper's husks to lay with each other.

She then pointed to the decepticon.

Y/n: "You......I'll fragging KILL YOU!!"

The cons all stood back, never hearing an autobot say that.

Her optics became red with rage as she was about to tackle the decepticon only to feel servos and arms trying to pull her back.

Y/n: "LET ME GO!! LET ME GO!!"

She could hear her brother Bumblebee trying to hold her back and talk to her.

Bee: *"Sis, calm down....let's get back to base."*

Y/n only cried more when she gave up.

Her body slouched as she fell. Her knees to the ground and her servos being held in place.

Soon, she saw red paint and stood on shaky legs, allowing Optimus to help her up.

She then looked up and over to Megatron.

Y/n: "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!! OUT OF ALL THE WAYS YOU COULD'VE SAVED CYBERTRON YOU CHOOSE WAR!! I'll never forget what has happened here today..... just like you'll never forget the time you saw an autobots eyes turn red."

Her optics pulsed crimson as she allowed the autobots to walk her back through the bridge to the base.

Once they got there, y/n walked into the medbay and sat down. Her optics had turned back to blue, but it was dull as if she was void to all emotions.

She allowed Ratchet to repair her as Arcee and Bee brought Hot Rod and Cliffjumper through the bridge.

She looked over, still seeing the sparks of energon going through the systems.

She instantly started to tear up before looking away.

Nothing was the same after that.

The kids and bots would try to help her cope, but even Bee couldn't cheer her up.

The only one who could get her to smile was Ralph, and even then, it was forced.

Y/n was lost. Not able to tell the difference between voices and words. Her spark had been shattered twice on the same day at the same exact time.

Then another battle came up.

Optimus tried to get her to stay behind, but the moment the bridge opened, she darted through.

Bee called to her as the autobots tried to get to her but was fired upon almost as fast as they got through.

Y/n, however, only saw red as she spotted the con.

She ran faster at him, knocking into the unexpected Decepticon, and they both fell down a slope to the ground.

The con held his helm as Y/n stood about to shoot only for Bee to stand in the way.

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