Love of a Nightbird. (Nightbird x Megatron)

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Nightbird was the youngest from the second clitch of eggs her Sire Starscream and Carrier Y/c/n had.

She had Black and silver-gret armor that was sleek and lanky like a seeker. So she wasn't the biggest or strongest looking predacon, but she was agile and fast. She could hold her own, but only for a little while. After all, she still gets tired.

She also was the predaseeker her siblings came to whenever they needed to talk, so she knew of Y/n and Angelwing's relationships with the autobots before anyone else did. Of course, she didn't understand why they chose them, but it is what it is.

Over time, Nightbird noticed that the old gladiator pits would sometimes light up at night catching her attention, so she went to explore and figure it out.

Upon arrival, she saw him. Megatron in the pit, his armor cleaned, and his paint redone. His optics traveled over the simulation that was on as he beat the levels that went by.

Nightbird appreciated how he battled, his strength, his body, everything about him she found I triguing and beautiful.

Nightbird started going back every night to watch him. Staying in the shadows and camofloging well with the rest of the arena.

Despite the constant warfare, Kaon was never really left to rust nor the Gladiator areas. They had been well kept from rust with a concoction that Shockwave had come up with to preserve it all. How did she know that... simple....Research.

As Nightbird watched him, she kept a mental note on how his body and mind worked in sync. Then she started doing research herself. Leading her to her predicament now.

She was just reading on Megatron and the rest of the gladiators when the full predacons of the sea of rust attacked her. She was pinned to the ground with them trying to nip at her armor to breed her only for her to scratch, bite, and kick them back.

Nightbird then screeched, trying to call her siblings, but she was so far away from them that it didn't reach their audio, but it did reach someone's.

Predaking was about to rip her armor off when a blast was shot pushing him off of her.

Nightbird scrambled to her feet as she heard a voice. Only to look behind her.

Megatron started walking down slowly before walking past her to stare at the predacons.

Predaking transformed along with skylynx and Darksteel.

Predaking: "Leave Megatron, this is not your fight."

Megatron only stood his ground as he stared into Predaking's optics challenging.

Predaking: "Very well."

They all attacked him in both beast and alt mode.

But Megatron was faster, stronger, and the best thing smaller than the beasts.

He used that to his advantage. He grabbed them and threw them at each other. Cutting them with his blade and shooting them with his cannon until they all backed away.

Megatron glared into Predaking's optics, signaling him to leave. To which Predaking did.

Predaking hissed before roaring as he took off into the sky, followed by his two brothers.

Nightbird started to walk forward carefully before she nudged his servo, making him twitch slightly.

Megatron looked at her as she started to rub up against his armor.

Megatron: "An interesting one, aren't you. You're the one who keeps watching me in the arena."

Nightbird purred as Megatron scratched and petted her armor.

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