Just fragging cuddle me! (Knockout x Breakdown)

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Time for some Fluff. Hope you all enjoy. Get ready for a bunch of cuteness, awkward moments, a little bit of flirting, and a bunch of angy Knockout because of a scratch. Alright let's get to it.

Breakdown stood in the main terminal room while Starscream watched the sky only for Breakdown to receive a private message from knockout.

Breakdown only smiled and chuckled under his breath as he turned and headed towards the door only for Starscream to speak.

Starscream: "And where are you going? Didn't I tell you that you have a mission to do?!"

Breakdown: "Yeah however it's taking a while to get there so I was just going to go-"

Starscream: "Sulk off with Knockout? No, you are to stay in this room until we get there."

Breakdown: "Umm.....do you want to watch Knockout and me make out in here? Cause that's what is most likely going to happen."

Starscream: "Eugh! Very well. You may leave."

Breakdown only smirked as he walked towards Knockout's room only to see him swinging his legs staring at the wall.

Knockout: "There you are."

Breakdown: "Yeah sorry Screamer was wanting to try and keep me from commin to see ya."

Knockout: "Aww, why, you need to do a mission or something?"

Breakdown: "Yeah but Scream didn't want to have Soundwave send a bridge so we're waiting to get there."

Knockout: "Oh....well then....GET OVER HERE AND CUDDLE ME!"

Breakdown only smiled and rolled his optics as he walked forward before laying down with knockout only to carefully hold Knockout as he started to kiss him.

Knockout continued to kiss him before Knockout looked up seeing Starscream checking on them through the monitor.

Starscream only stuttered before he turned the monitor off.

Knockout: "And that's why you don't interrupt us."

Breakdown: "Hey Knocks....Um....do you want a buffing because you uh..."

Knockout then looked down seeing a long scratch.

Knockout: "Augh! Frag it all! I just buffed that."

Breakdown: "So? You want me to buff it?"

Knockout only smirked before he kissed him.

Knockout: "Always....Doll."

After a little bit, Knockout was bent over the berth as Breakdown detailed his hips and cod piece.

Knockout: "Oh Breakdown....you sure do know how to run a buffer."

Breakdown: "Heh I learned from the best."

Breakdown bent down nibbling Knockouts wiring causing an energon hickey to form.

Knockout: "Oh you wanna play dirty doll?"

Breakdown: "But of course...It's always thrilling to hear those little moans."

Breakdown grabbed Knockouts helm pulling it back as he stroked his fingers up the base of Knockout's chin.

Knockout: "Mmmm....Primus I wanna frag you hard."

Breakdown only chuckled as he nuzzled Knockout's chin.

Breakdown: "Maybe later dearest."

Soon Breakdown was called back down to do his mission.

Breakdown looked at Knockout before kissing him as he gently ran his servos up and down Knockout's sides.

Breakdown: "Once I get back from the mission how about we finish those cuddles you wanted?"

Knockout: "Of course doll."

Breakdown only chuckled before he left for his mission.

After a while Breakdown came back from his mission and looked for Knockout only to smile as Breakdown saw Knockout sleeping.

Breakdown walked over before he climbed into the berth before carefully lifting Knockout before laying him on his arm.

Knockout then moved before turning over and grabbing onto Breakdown like he was a teddy bear.

Breakdown only chuckled as he relaxed.

Breakdown: "You're so cute dearest."

Breakdown then nuzzled Knockout's helm before giving him a kiss on the forehelm only for knockout to sigh as he buried himself into Breakdown's neck.

Breakdown only sighed and smiled as he fell asleep.

Alrighty I am so so so sorry this took a while I promise I didn't forget about your requests. Anyways I do hope you all enjoyed it and that you found this as cute as I did.
Anyways have a great day, night, wherever you are in the world hope you enjoyed post again soon. Bye-bye.

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