Hips' n' Thighs (Optimus x femme reader x Ratchet)

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Have fun.

Y/n sat in the room and listened as Optimus and Ratchet talked to each other.

Y/n: "I can't choose between them, Miko. Both are sexy."

Miko: "Oh, come on. Arcee was able to choose."

Y/n: "I know, but -"

Miko: "Bulk was able to choose. So did Smoke and Bee."

Y/n: "Look, both are sexy bots, and if I could, I would frag both of them at the same time on the same day."

Y/n then realized she said that a lot louder than intended.

She looked to the side, seeing Ratchet and Optimus staring at her confused looks on their faces.

Y/n blushed before turning her helm to the side, holding her servo up against her cheek.

Arcee: "Wow....That was embarrassing."

Y/n: "No, shit.....umm...I'm gonna go now."

Y/n walked away very, very embarrassed. And very much a blushing mess.

As she walked, she kept thinking about the looks they gave her, only to think of their bodies up against hers, burning into her metal.

She shook her helm and groaned.

Y/n: "Augh, why do they have to have such perfect bodies. Ugh, their perfect personalities, bodies, faces, everything about them is sexy and perfect in each and every way!"

Y/n continued walking as she headed towards her room.

Once she got to her door, she opened it up, turned on some music, and flopped onto her berth.

Y/n: "I'm so glad I got the cushioning put in. Otherwise, that would've hurt extreamly."

Y/n soon drifted into a peaceful recharge.

Optimus and Ratchet both looked at the others confused but simply shrugged as they continued with their work.

Later that day, the rest of the team went off to pick the kids up from school. Smoke went with them to practice the rules of the road.

Raychet: "Optimus.....Do you think Y/n is alright? I've never seen her act like that."

Optimus: "I believe she is okay....however, she said that quite loud. And it concerns me as to who she was referring to."

Optimus: "With the way she blushed at us like that... do you think?"

Ratchet: "I dought it... she may have just been embarrassed."

Optimus: "Perhaps...."

Ratchet: "You want to go check on her, don't you?"

Optimus: "Indeed"

Ratchet and Optimus got up and started walking down through the hallways towards her berth room when they heard music.

They walked up to her room and knocked on the door

When she didn't answer, they carefully opened it to look inside, only to blush.

Y/n was laying in her berth, arms above her head, no armor, and her legs opened.

Optimus and Ratchet blushed before they slowly closed the door.

Ratchet: "ummm......"

Optimus: "L-let's go old friend."

Ratchet: "W-wait, sh-shouldn't we c-cover her up."

Optimus thought about it for a second before nodding.

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