Flustered love (Optimus x Ratchet x Mech reader x Ultra Magnus)

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Okay so when I got this request I wasn't sure what or how to do it. However that isn't going to stop me from trying. Now I can't guarantee this is going to turn out how you all want this to go. But hopefully you'll all enjoy.

Let's get to it.

Ps. Lemon towards end

Y/n had always been a flustered mech. There was almost always a way to embarrass him or to make him blush.

Y/n crushed on three bots Optimus, Ratchet, and their commander Ultra Magnus. So when Y/n got to Earth he already couldn't handle seeing two mechs that he found hot and sexy he almost died when Ultra Magnus joined the ranks.

Y/n would walk through the halls and get more embarrassed, flustered, and turned on by just seeing one of them but when he saw all three he would almost die and fall to the floor in an instant. Hence why he almost never looked at them especially when they were talking to him.

The only thing was they all knew he liked them so whenever all three of them were reunited along with Y/n being there they would often stare at him and try to get him to look up at them for Y/n to blush, stutter and then run away.

Y/n sat in his room trying to wake up considering he had just got up from recharge.

Y/n then got up and walked into the hallway to see Optimus walk out of his room tired looking.

Y/n held back a blush before walking over.

Y/n: "Umm....sir....you look exhausted did you.....not get rest last night."

Optimus was surprised for a moment before he spoke.

Optimus: "It's harder for me to recharge these days Y/n. Thank you for your concern but I'll be fine."

Y/n only frowned before he walked past Optimus into the berth room dragging Optimus back inside as well.

Y/n then looked at Optimus before pointing to the berth.

Y/n: "Lay down I'll.....try and help you relax."

Y/n laid in the berth and relaxed with Optimus till eventually he fell asleep causing Y/n to blush slightly before leaning down and kissing his cheek plates once he did he carefully got up and walked out without waking Optimus up.

Y/n continued walking through the base till he saw Miko and Smokescreen running out and laughing while Ratchet ran out cursing in cybertronian.

Y/n then noticed that, Ratchet was covered in white paint causing Y/n to frown.

Y/n: "Hey...Ratch....."

Ratchet then turned around to look at her.

Y/n: "You want some help with.....that?"

Ratchet only sighed before nodding as he walked into the medical room and began to clean up.

Eventually Ratchet got all the paint off of himself while Y/n helped clean the medical area.

Y/n: "I know it's not how it looked before hand but is everything better?"

Ratchet: "....yeah....it will be once I am able to get some work done.....Where's prime?"

Y/n: "Oh..... he's recharging...."

Ratchet cocked a brow at how Y/n blushed slightly before he shook his helm and walked away.

Y/n continued on with his day trying to calm down only to hear Magnus walk in angrily before he threw his blaster into the corner and groaned.

Ultra Magnus: "Y/n! Come with me."

Y/n jumped slightly before following him to a training hall.

Ultra Magnus: "I need to let off some steam. Mind being my spar partner?"

Y/n only nodded before getting into position and started to tackle him. They dodged and swung hit after hit until they were both at a standstill only for Magnus to run at him and hold him on the ground.

Y/n looked up and flipped over pushing Magnus into the floor only for Y/n to blush and stutter.

Y/n then shook his head and stuttered out a "Apologies Commander" before running out of the training room.

Later that day Ratchet, Optimus, and Ultra Magnus all started to talk to each other while the others were out on late night patrol.

Y/n started to walk in when he saw them only to blush at what they were saying.

Optimus: "I don't think I've ever had someone like all three of us at the same time."

Ratchet: "Neither have I but....I like the idea of sharing with you both."

Ultra Magnus: "This really isn't the time for relationships though."

Optimus: "Commander.....you can't keep yourself like this....would it truly be bad for you to have a relationship at the moment?"

Ultra Magnus: "Hmm.....well I guess it would be up to him."

Y/n then squeaked catching their attention before Y/n only turned and ran off into his room. He then closed his door and locked it before pushing his back up against the door in shock.

Y/n: "What the Frag am I supposed to do.....damn it why am I hiding....Augh why are they so fragging Hot!!!"

Y/n then stood up and walked over to his berth and flopped down.

Soon Y/n heard a knock on the door before hearing Optimus's voice.

Optimus: "Y/n please open the door."

Ratchet: "We won't bite....too hard."

Y/n only blushed more before standing up on shaky pedes and opening the door.

Optimus: "Y/n we have agreed to share, you. If you'll take us?"

Y/n only blushed before slowly nodding.

Optimus then grabbed Y/n's servo and led him towards a different room.

Ratchet and Magnus followed close behind until they got to a big room.

Y/n then noticed a large berth that looked big enough for the four of them.

Y/n then jumped when he felt a pair of servos glide over his stomach area while another pair grabbed his cod piece.

Y/n: "Ugh...."

Y/n then opened his optics to see Optimus staring at him before he grabbed his lips in a kiss.

Y/n moaned into the kiss before squeaking at the teeth on his neck and stomach causing Y/n to gasp allowing Optimus entry to his mouth.

Y/n then felt the teeth on his neck disperse before hearing Ultra Magnus whisper into his audio.

Magnus: 'You my dear are about to get the frag of your life time.....and you are gonna scream."

Y/n felt his body shake as Ratchet pressed something opening Y/n's cod piece only to smirk as he started to gently kiss and bite.

Y/n only moaned as his mind raced with the scenarios of positions that they were going to put him in.

Y/n then broke away from this kiss before smirking.

Y/n: "Bring it on hotties."

The next morning Optimus, Ratchet, and Magnus woke up to see Y/n sleeping peacefully along with all of his armor off.

Magnus: "Damn...think he'll be able to walk today?"

Ratchet: "Probably not."

Optimus: "I just hope we didn't break him."

Y/n only sat there comfortable as they started to cuddle happily.

Alrighty like I said I don't know if you all will like this or not however I do hope you do. Anyways I hope you have a great day, night, wherever you are in the world post again soon. Bye-bye

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