Sacred and scared (rogue reader x Optimus)

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We've got a beautiful and very sweet request. I hope you all enjoy it and that you'll all have a great day and night.

The pain was unbearable. Being ready to go into labor soon, and she was running through woods, trying to get away from Decepticons and autobots fighting close by.

Her sparkmate had been killed before she found out that she was sparked. Once she did find out, she went rogue in an attempt to keep her child from growing up in the decepticons toxic environment.

As she was running, she felt a stab like feeling.

Y/n: "Oh scrap, not now....alright, alright."

She limped fast to a cave and sat up against a wall. The pain was unbearable, and she could feel her systems trying to prepare for it all.

Y/n: "Alright, my little moonbeam....try not to break your carrier apart."

On the other side of the woods, the autobots stood victorious.

Optimus: "Let us go double check the area just in case there are any other decepticons trying to destroy or take something."

As the autobots checked on the area, they heard a painful cry. Rushing to the area.

Bumblebee: (*it's coming from that cave.*)

The autobots quickly went inside when they saw her. Y/n was trying her best to push on the contractions, but she was in so much pain that she couldn't really decider the pain of the contractions to the pain of everything else.

Y/n: "Ugh...scrap. this would be so much fragging easier with a medic around."

The autobots stepped closer when bulkhead almost tripped on something, causing the Femme to look their way.

Y/n: "Autobots....Get the frag out."

Arcee tried stepping closer only for y/n to transform for servo into a gun.

Y/n: "Don't come any closer-Augh."

Arcee: "Let me help you. I've never had a sparkling, but I've helped others have theirs."

Y/n: "No, I don't want my Sparkling being killed, and I don't want my Sparkling to live without me either."

Arcee: "We would never harm a sparkling nor the carrier holding them."

Y/n screamed in pain, causing Optimus to rush forward and take her servo.

Y/n: "W-what are you -"

Once another rush came, she squeezed his servo.

Optimus: "Bumblebee, call ratchet!"

Bumblebee did so calling ratchet and explaining the situation.

Ratchet: *(Is she able to be moved?)*

Optimus: "No, she is already in labor. If we move her, it may cause complications."

Ratchet opened the ground bridge rushing through.

Ratchet: "Arcee, Bumblebee, you both go to base. we'll see this spark birthing through."

Arcee and bee rushed through the bridge while Ratchet ran over to Y/n.

Ratchet: "What's your name, femme?"

Y/n: "i-It's y/n."

Ratchet: "Alright Y/n my name is Ratchet. Now I'm gonna need you to push on the rushes of pain. I know that may be hard, but it'll be okay."

It took almost five earth hours before the sparkling was born.

Ratchet: "It's a femme."

Ratchet handed Y/n the sparkling.

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