The beauty of a beast. (Optimus x Predacon femme)

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Y/n watched as her brother transformed and threatened Starscream. His plates shifted and reformed. Before he stood up on two legs.

Y/n looked down at her own body before looking to see her master and the torturer looking at him.

She turned and walked over to a predacon who looked almost completely formed.

Slowly, she began to concentrate before her own plates shifted and turned into something new.

The cons all looked over seeing Y/n transforming before she stood up on her newfound legs.

Y/n: "Hmm.....I'm not sure about this, brother."

Megatron walked over and looked at her newly transformed body.

Shockwave: "'re transformation seems much more quiet. Not to mention less sharp."

Predaking: "Sister, let us not waste any time. Our predacon breatheren require as much help as we can get."

Y/n looked at Megatron before following her brother out.

Soon Predaking mentioned how he wanted to be called.

Megatron: "And what about your sister predaking?"

Y/n: "I would like to be called Y/n my Lord."

Megatron: "Very well, Y/n."

Y/n was still figuring out her new body when she heard the second screeching.

Starscream: "I just don't understand it. This whole time, they've been sentient. Not to mention, Lord Megatron practically adores his beasts."

Y/n: "You know you should really not speak so loud around my den."

Starscream jumped before turning to see Y/n leaning against a wall.

Starscream: "Uhh....umm....."

Y/n: " You should know by now commander....."

Y/n stood and stalked closer until she backed him up against the wall.

Y/n: "That we predacons.....aren't to pleased when it comes from comments like those."

Starscream shook in fear before she moved away.

Y/n: "Now I suggest you leave to your own quarters if you're going to ramble about your problems with me and my brother."

Starscream only shook in fear as he ran down the hallway.

Y/n: "tch- annoying aft seeker."

As the weeks went by, Megatron required Y/n, and Predaking's help more often.

The battles were indeed won easier, but they lasted longer due to the resilience of the predacons themselves.

One day, while the battle was raging, Optimus had Megatron pinned up against a rockface.

Optimus was about to attack when he was grabbed up off the ground.

Optimus: "Augh!"

Autobots: "OPTIMUS!!"

Optimus tried to get out of the predacon's grasp and get away only for him to fail before he caught himself falling.

He tried to start his jetpack only to realize that it had claw marks in them.

He then grunted when he felt teeth around his abdomen before he was slammed right onto the ground.

Optimus groaned in pain when he heard a transformation sequence opening his optics he saw it as her plates bent and bolted into place. Optimus then felt claws around his throat, making him close his optics before he was lifted off the ground.

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