Let me love you. (Arcee x Mech Autobot reader)

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Alrighty we've got an Arcee one. Now I do hope you all enjoy this. You never know it could have a sparkling at the end. That being said there will be 🍋 in this story request so please have fun and enjoy.

Y/n stood in Arcee's doorway to her room as she held CliffJumper's horn close to her chest.

Y/n: "Arcee.....can I....come in."

Arcee looked up with tears crawling down her face before she nodded.

Y/n walked in and sat in front of her before he opened his arms allowing Arcee to slowly fall into his arms.

Y/n simply laid his chin onto the top of her helm before he closed his eyes and mourned with her.

Over the days and nights Y/n continued to comfort Arcee to the best of his abilities especially when Cliff was brought back to life as a terracon.

Y/n soon had to get used to the kids as well but every day that Arcee came back from Jack's house or picking him up from school she would simply grab Y/n's arm and drag him along with her.

*After Megatron is blown up......for the first time...*

Arcee walked through the base until she got to Y/n's room and knocked.

Arcee heard a slight stumble before the door opened.

Arcee: "Hey Y/n.....I was wondering if we could....."

Arcee then looked up to see a very very tired looking Y/n.

Arcee: "Oh....right you had a night shift...sorry I'll leave you alone."

Y/n: "No no no, it's okay Arcee. What were you saying?"

Arcee: "Well I was gonna ask if you wanted to go for a drive but I don't want to wear you out more."

Y/n: "No it's okay. If you want to you could come in and rest with me."

Arcee only smiled as she nodded. Y/n then moved out of the way and allowed Arcee entrance into his room.

Y/n closed the door carefully before walking over to his berth and laid down.

Arcee looked around the room before walking over to Y/n's berth and carefully climbing in with him.

Y/n: "So, how ya feeling lately?"

Arcee: "I'd rather not turn this into a therapy session right now. In all honesty I just want to relax with the one who's kept next to me. Even when Tailgate passed you were there.....Why?"

Y/n: "Why? As in why have I stayed?"

Arcee: "Yeah..."

Y/n: "Because I love you and care about you. Why else."

Arcee: "I.....thought that you......were only there because of us being friends."

Y/n: "We are friends."

Arcee: "But....I want to be more than that."

Y/n opened his optics before glancing at Arcee before she rolled over and crawled on top of his chest.

Arcee: "I don't want to only be friends."

Y/n stared up at Arcee only for her to lean in and kiss him.

Y/n stared in surprise and shock before he reached up and wrapped one servo around her waist while using his other to push her helm further into him.

Arcee began to growl slightly before she ran her glossa across his lower lip.

Y/n only hummed as he opened his mouth allowing her to explore his mouth before she allowed him to explore hers.

Y/n started to run his servo across her back and into her inner thighs causing Arcee to groan slightly.

Soon Arcee broke the kiss before she looked into his optics.

Arcee only leaned her helm against his as her spark chamber opened casting a blue light across Y/n's face.

Y/n: "Are you positive you want this Arcee? You know that there isn't really a way to go back."

Arcee: "I know."

Y/n only smiled as he allowed his spark chamber to open up to her causing their sparks to instinctively reach out to each other.

Arcee only hummed as her spark began to pulse rapidly along with his.

Arcee: *moans* "Ugh....Y/n....."

Y/n started to pant before he groaned as his cod cover snapped back for Arcee.

Arcee only looked into Y/n's optics as she slowly took him in.

Arcee only groaned from the stretch but for her it was perfect.

Arcee soon began to grind against him as Y/n began to slowly thrust into her.

Soon Arcee started to pant before she grabbed his lips into another enticing kiss causing Y/n to go faster before he flipped Arcee over onto the berth and started to thrust faster into her before he overloaded.

Y/n only huffed along with Arcee about to pull out only for Arcee to stop him.

Arcee: "One round ain't gonna spark me dear."

Y/n: "You actually want to go another round?"

Arcee: "I'm not calmed by one small round. Can we go again dear?"

Y/n only smirked before leaning in.

Y/n: "We can go as many rounds as you'd like."

Arcee only grinned before she spoke.

Arcee: "Then you'd better get started Dear."

*A few weeks later*

Y/n paced back and forth before Ratchet walked out.

Y/n: "Is Arcee okay Ratchet."

Ratchet: "Arcee is fine. But I'm surprised you're not worried about her sparkling."

Y/n: "Well she got hurt so....Wait....What?"

Everyone looked at Ratchet before he smiled.

Ratchet: "You're going to be a Sire Y/n."

Everyone was shocked before Bulkhead practically howled with glee while Bumblebee started to buzz and whirl with excitement.

Y/n stood shocked when Optimus placed his servo onto Y/n's shoulder.

Optimus: "Why don't you go see your Spark mate Y/n."

Y/n only smiled before he rushed into the med bay only to grab Arcee up into his arms.

Arcee: "What the? Y/n I'm alright you don't need to cry."

Y/n: "But I do darling after all we are having a Sparkling."

Arcee only smiled before she hugged him back only to look in his optics and kiss him deeply.

Y/n: "I was thinking....how about if we merge Cliff's and Tailgate's names. Like.....Tail Jumper or Cliff gate?"

Arcee only smiled before she nodded in pure happiness.

Arcee: "I love them but I love you so much more."

Y/n only leaned in and placed their fore helms together as they smiled in embrace.

Alrighty I do hope you guys enjoyed this. I know I did. Sorry if there wasn't enough NSFW. My brain has been fried from the stress of senior year. Anyways I do hope that you liked this and that the writing upholded to the request itself.

Anyways I hope you all have a great day, night, wherever you are in the world. Post again soon. Bye-bye.

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