The Markings of her lover. (Arcee x femme spy reader)

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Y/n stood in her and her leaders room waiting for him to come tell her about this supposedly easy mission. Soon, she heard the door open.

Megatron walked up to her, placing his arms around her hips.

Y/n tensed up, waiting for the scratch or the harsh grab, but instead got the sickening deep bite in the neck.

Y/n winced in pain before Megatron spoke.

Megatron: "I need you to do something for me. You, my dear, are going to spy on the autobots. Every night, you are to contact me and tell me everything."

Y/n: "And if I fail?"

Megatron: "Then you will receive....a much much bigger punishment than last time you failed me.."

Y/n shook in fear at the memory. Megatron, pushing himself onto her. The pain and suffering she received from everyone else. And the horrible scars and "claims" placed on her body permanently.

Y/n: "Yes, sir..."

Megatron growled, grabbing her neck and pulling her flush against him.

Megatron: "Did you forget what my name is Y/n?"

Y/n: "N-no..."

Megatron: "Then say it."

Y/n: "Y-yes....Sweetspark."

Megatron: "That's better. Now go. No more wasting time."

The bots all shot at the cons trying to get to the energon when they heard a shout.

Looking up, they saw a femme running at them

She shot around the bots before slicing through the cons.

Y/n shot at them all when a con ran into her, pinning her against the wall.

Vehicon: "How long I've waited to get my turn to beat you up."

Y/n was about to push him back when another femme hit him, knocking the con down.

Y/n: "Thanks.....Um..."

?: "Arcee...and you are?"

Y/n: "Y/n. I would love to continue chatting, but there is a squad coming right towards us."

Arcee and Y/n jumped up, transforming their blasters before shooting each con.

Soon, the battle was over, and Y/n found herself in the autobot base.

As she walked with them, Arcee noticed little marks all over her neck shoulders and other parts of her protoform.

Arcee: (That's off...what are those?)

As arcee looked at them She heard Optimus talking to Y/n, but Arcee kept that all shut out until she heard her name.

Optimus: "Arcee, please show Y/n around."

Arcee: "Yes, sir."

Arcee: "Cmon Y/n."

Y/n followed Arcee around the base as she explained each room and everything else about the base.

Arcee: "Also Y/n if i may ask, what are those weird marks on your protoform?"

Y/n stared shocked before she looked down, saying nothing.

Arcee: "Sorry, umm, is something wrong? You haven't said anything?"

Y/n smiled before shaking her head as Arcee continued to show her around the base.

Over the next few weeks, Arcee began to fall for Y/n. She was beautiful, worked amazingly in the field, and played with the kids.

But the scars on her body....they looked so weird and looked like they were pretty bad when she had gotten them.

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