Teaser in the moonlight (Optimus x Ancient femme reader)

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Y/n had been stranded on the island for nearly millenia. However, that doesn't mean she didn't take care of herself. She had a raw energon lake on the island. There were plenty of tools to use to refine it, though sometimes she would just drink a handful not too much, though. There were buffers, wax, and cyberpaint that she could use for her armor. And if she ever felt dirty, she could wash up in the waterfalls not too far away.

That being said, she still felt pretty lonely. A desolate island in the middle of nowhere. Little did she know that someone would be exploring the area himself.

Optimus scanned parts of Earth looking for an energon source while the rest of the autobots were at the kids' houses for recon after the decepticons had been extremely bad that day.

Ratchet had finally gone to bed to get some recharge for a change.

Then Optimus saw it. A little red dot flashed across the screen, showing an unknown life signal.

After he punched in the coordinates, he opened the groundbridge and set it on a timer for it to shut.

Once Optimus went through the bridge shut.

Optimus: "Strange... there's not a single sign of a crash. Nor of human life. "

As Optimus looked through the area, he came upon a clearing only to see Y/n.

Her armor shined, and her protoform gleamed.

Optimus could feel his spark shake and the Matrix pulse.

She looked radiant as she basked in the moonlight when she stood up and started walking.

Optimus followed her quietly. Keeping his distance. He followed her, not knowing she was showing him around. She knew he was there, and she knew he was eyeing her.

She then started to move her body differently than before. Almost seductively. She swung her hips when she walked and would rub down her side whenever a plant touched her even though she didn't have to.

Optimus vents caught in his throat and chest as he tried to keep his spark and the Matrix calm and sane.

Soon, she turned around a tree and some rocks. When Optimus turned, he saw her standing next to a clear pool.

She had her helm turned to the side as she started to take her armor off.

Optimus tried to keep calm as he watched. She took off her leg armor first, then her arm and shoulder panels. Optimus was about to lose it.

She then sighed as she started to take off her chest paneling.

As it slipped down, that was when Optimus just lost it.

He walked forward as she finished with her chest plates, then started with her lower plates.

Y/n looked at him and smiled as it came off as well.

She stared at him as she walked over to the pool and slipped into the water.

She then turned to him, showing a complete look at her chest.

Y/n: "Are you gonna let me watch, darling? I would love to see a show."

Optimus felt his spark surge again as the Matrix practically jumped out of his chest plates.

He started with his leg armor, following how she did it as she watched. Happily content with the situation unfolding.

She then watched his chest plates come off, showing his chest itself.

Y/n licked her lips slightly as he finished up. The last thing was his cod covering.

Y/n watched as he started taking that off as well.

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