Beautifly rebelious (Ultra Magnus x femme reader)

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This request will be a lemon. It'll be a very interesting chapter to this new book sense Magnus is very much hard to really do considering he shows less emotion than Optimus. But what the heck, let's get to it.

Y/n laughed her aft off as Wheeljack tricked Magnus into cursing. It was hilarious when he made Magnus upset.

Magnus: "And what are you laughing about?"

She tried to hold it in before she burst into laughter again when the lob ball hit into him.

Y/n then caught it and threw it back over to Bulkhead and bee.

Y/n: "Here, Bulk."

Bulkhead: "Thanks, Y/n."

Y/n then watched as Magnus started scolding her brother before she stood up and ran behind him, knocking him to the side for Jackie to laugh.

Y/n then turned back to see him extremely mad before she started speaking in Decepticon. Something no one else in the base could speak.

Y/n: (*"Fragging sexy mech."*)

Magnus: "What did you just say, soldier?!"

Y/n: "Wouldn't you like to know."

Magnus: "Don't disrespect me. I am your commander, and you show me respect."

Y/n: "Respect goes both ways."

Magnus: "So does control."

Y/n: "So does trust."

Magnus stopped speaking for a moment the most hilarious look on his face.

Y/n: "I'll respect you and follow alongside your rules when you learn how wreckers work and earn my respect."

Magnus: "I know how Wreckers work, especially you."

Y/n: "Oh really."

She then backed him up to the wall and pushed him hard up against it.

Y/n: "You may be the commander, but wreckers like me prefer to work alone or with someone who is in sync with each other. You want me to work well with you. Learn how to sync up with me and my antics. Cause I will not take garbage, and I don't walk away and shut my yap like Jackie. I, my dear commander, bite back. Do I make myself clear.....Sir?"

Magnus just stared at her, shocked when she felt a servo on her shoulder.

Optimus: "I believe Ultra Magnus understands Y/n."

She looked at Optimus's servo firmly on her shoulder before pulling away and cursing in decepticon while walking down into the quarters of the base.

Magnus: "Hmmm.....Wreckers."

Optimus: "Y/n doesn't like being challenged by her fellow autobots. Hence why she knows the decepticon language. That way, she can release some steam without affecting anybody."

Wheeljack: " She doesn't only know decepticon either. She also knows ancient autobot, regular autobot, ancient decepticon, predacon, and other cyber planets languages."

Bulk: "She knows predacon?"

Wheeljack: "She can read it. Can't speak it."

Magnus: "That doesn't change the fact that she disrespected me."

Optimus: "Perhaps not, but you know how Y/n is... she'll come around afterall she hasn't been on the field since her injury she received on cybertron."

Smoke: "What injury?"

Bulkhead: "An injury to both arms and legs. Y/n isn't as strong as she used to be."

Jackie: "She used to be able to pick up Megatron and through him while he was on the ground. Now, she can barely pick Bulk up off the floor."

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