Too slow hottie. (Smokescreen x Hyper decepticon reader)

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Smokescreen had been bored all day and seemingly just wasn't able to get up and move around. His speed and cybonic muscles hadn't been the same sense he had been shot in the hip.

Ratchet had already fixed it, but he was still recuperating from the wound.

Smokescreen: "Hey, Optimus."

Optimus looked over to the blue and yellow bot listening.

Smokescreen: "Can I go on a scouting mission or anything. It gets boring just sitting around here."

Optimus looked at Smokescreen for a solid minute before nodding yes.

Smokescreen was happy as he stood up and jogged over to the doors before opening them up and driving right out.

Optimus just smiled as he continued talking to Ultra Magnus.

Smokescreen had been really happy that he finally got to go out he was speeding around turns and lanes thar no one used anymore, and then that was when he saw it.

In front of him, there was an old driveway that was grown over. Cracks and plants had rooted up into the concrete and cement, catching the rookies' attention.

Smokescreen: "Well, what do we have to look at today?"

Smokescreen carefully started to go through the vegetation and plants trying to slip past and through everything until the concrete ending and in its place was a dirt path that led to an old race track.

Smokescreen: "Woah...."

As he started to walk into the area, he looked around before he heard a car engine rumble.

Smokescreen stopped and looked behind him, shocked. A car had parked itself at the starter line and was reving its engines at him.

Once Smokescreen got a closer look, he saw it. There was a decepticon insignia on the front hood of the car.

Smokescreen: "What con you want to race?!"

The decepticon revved its engine again when Smokescreen transformed.

Smokescreen: "I'm so gonna beat you."

Smokescreen sped around the track before pulling up right next to o the con.

They both revved their engines before speeding off.

They went around the huge track with ease as Smokescreen started to speed up. The decepticon next to him tried to keep up to the best of their abilities, but Smoke just upped his speed before going as fast as he could go.

The con next do him dud the same sticking next to him like glue as they rounded the corner before speeding past the finish line.

Smokescreen transformed skidding to a stop as the dust cleared only for Smokes jaw to drop.

Standing in front of him was a petite young femme. She was beautiful her armor hugged her body as the sun made her (s/c) shine with her (p/c).

The decepticon started to walk closer before she spoke.

?: "You're fast....for an autobot. Not from velocitron like Knockout, though....if that was the case, I wouldn't have been able to keep up with you."

Smokescreen: "And who are you?"

?: "Hmmm....Names Y/n. What about you, hottie? Gonna tell me your name, or are you gonna keep me in the dust?"

Smokescreen: "It's Smokescreen."

Y/n: "Well then, Smokescreen, I guess we'll be getting to know each other more if we meet in the field. But before we do that..."

Y/n quickly grabbed the phase shifter off of his arm before she started to run quickly away.

Smokescreen: "Hey!"

Smokescreen started to run after her. Sticking to the exact same path as her. He monuvered through the grass and trees before trying to shoot her, but she only ended up dodging them all.

Y/n: "Gonna have to be faster than that!"

As Smokescreen was trying to keep up, Y/n was secretly laughing. She noticed earlier that he was trying to be easy and she saw the small limp he had so she knew he had been injured but she still wanted to test him.

After running around, Smokescreen eventually gave up before sitting on the ground.

He was trying to catch his vents when the phase shifter landed in his lap.

Y/n: "You almost caught me, hottie. Gotta say for someone who's injured you're pretty damn fast."

Smokescreen ended up laying down when Y/n playfully sat on his chest.

Y/n looked down at him as he looked up at her, confused.

Y/n then laid down on top of him before she kissed him passionately.

Smokescreen was surprised but started to kiss back as she continued to make out with him.

Y/n started to stroke up and down his sides, enticing him in.

Soon, Smokescreen got bolder and started to nip and bite her neck, leaving little marks here and there.

Y/n them reached down and grabbed his interface panel only to give it a little squeeze, causing him to moan.

Y/n only smiled before speaking into his audio.

Y/n: "I would love to have sparklings someday. They'd be extremely fast and cute as ever...."

Smokescreen was listening as he reached for her panel to give her the same treatment only for Y/n to grab his hand.

Y/n: "However....I want someone with good stamina and endurance to sire them."

Smokescreen stared up at her as she smiled.

Y/n then stood up and started to walk away.

Smokescreen: "Hold on....we're you intending me to be the sire?"

Y/n: "Indeed"

Smokescreen: "Then why are you leaving?"

Y/n: "You'll earn the right to it in the future someday. When you can catch me."

Y/n winked at him before she sped fast into the forest, leaving a confused and intrigued autobot behind.

Smokescreen then looked back at the track in the small distance from atop the hill they were on.

Smokescreen only smiled as he put the phase shifter back on before transforming and driving away.

Okay, this one was adorable, and I loved writing it. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. If I was a decepticon, Megatron would ask me for an excuse. However, I don't have one. I just haven't been on the app in a little while. Anyways I hope you all enjoyed it and that school is going well for all of my fellow teenagers and young adults. Keep living your life to the fullest. Have a great day, night, wherever you ate in the world post again soon. Bye-bye

TFP Styled Requested OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora