melodic groove (Starscream x femme rogue reader)

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This will be very fun to write.

⚠️ warning⚠️ this is a lemon

Starscream groaned under his breath as Megatron and Shockwave talked about science.

Starscream stood up straight as he turned to walk out.

As he walked up to the top deck, he started to run, and soon he jumped off of the ship, falling for a while.

He continued to fall before he straightened himself out, then transformed.

As he flew away from the ship, he started to practice an old flight technique.

He reared up before doing a triple backflip, then darted straight down.

He spun as he pumled straight down before he flew back straight, only to gently fly over some tree tops.

As he flew over them, his scanners picked up another life signal.

Starscream: "Another cybertronian? Hmm, maybe autobot."

Starscream turned towards the area to investigate only to hear singing.

He gently landed and transformed before walking through the wooded area.

Soon the singing got louder and then he saw her.

A femme cybertronian singing as she glided her servos over the water.

Beautiful koi fish swam in circles and followed her servos as she did.

Starscream walked over to her before her optics darted over to him, only to look back at the fish.

Statscream: "You sing beautifully, my dear. May I ask for your designation?"

She didn't say anything, only twitched her wings.

Starscream: "I would prefer if you didn't ignore me, my dear."

The femme didn't say anything, just stared into the water as she hummed.

Starscream then walked over and started to caress and kiss her wings before nibbling them slightly.

The femme giggled before she playfully crawled away.

Starscream stared shocked before he smiled and grabbed her hips, pulling her back.

Starscream knew the game she was trying to play. He saw it all the time amongst other seekers back on Vos. And he loved the game.

Every time seekers would crawl away, the mechs would get bolder. If they didn't, then the femme knew he wasn't worth it.

Starscream started to grab onto her wings gently before he stroaked the underside and then kissed and bit the top.

The femme then moved her wings down and crawled away from him, making starscream laugh slightly before he grabbed her torso and pulled her back over only this time onto his lap.

Soon, the femme hummed slightly before she smiled.

She swiveled her hips, making him stop before she laughed and crawled into the water.

Starscream: (Now you've done it, my dear.)

Starscream reached over, grabbed her wings, and slid them down to her chest before cupping each of her breasts.

She moaned slightly before Starscream pulled her back, sitting her back onto the rock.

Starscream then reached down and grabbed her cod piece, making her squeak in surprise.

Starscream: "Didn't think I would get this bold, did you?"

Starscream started to rub and massage her cod peice, making her moan and squeak.

Starscream: "Mind telling me your designation now, my dear?"

?: "I-it's Y-y/n."

Starscream: "A lovely name for a lovely femme."

Starscream continued playing with her cod piece before he twisted the tiny wires, making her port snap open.

Starscream grinned as he pushed a couple of his digits into her port and grinned at how tight she was.

Y/n started to moan slightly as he worked.

Starscream continued rubbing her wings with his other servo before he allowed his own plates to snap back, making Y/n jump up slightly.

Starscream then pulled his digits out and grabbed her hips gently.

Slowly ever so slowly, Starscream eased his spike into her port.

Y/n: "ugh- c-careful pl-please."

Starscream nodded in understanding and carefully pushed her down until he bottomed out.

Y/n groaned at the feeling, knowing that Starscream was loving the feeling of her port.

Starscream: "mmmmhmm....nice and tight. Kinda hot too makes me want to move. But I'll let you get used to it first."

Y/n only nodded her helm before she started to grind a little to get herself used to it.

She then placed her servos on his knees and started to grind a little rougher.

Starscream smiled as he started to thrust into her, making her squirm and moan in delight.

Starscream: "You like that, dear?"

Y/n knodded as she smiled before she squeaked at the feeling.

Starscream then traced her wings before he bit into her neck, making her moan loudly.

Y/n: "Augh- this feels amazing."

Starscream: "Indeed it does. You feel so perfect around my spike."

Y/n only moaned lewdly before looking at Starscream with a sexy grin.

Starscream: "Oh, you want to play that way, huh?"

Starscream stopped thrusting before he whispered.

Starscream: "Turn around....gently, okay."

Y/n turned around a little bit before Starscream spoke.

Starscream: "Stop...that's perfect."

Starscream grabbed her chin and kissed her deep before he started to thrust again.

Y/n lost herself in the moment as she kissed him when she squealed at the hot pumps of fluid transport into her tanks.

Y/n huffed as her walls tightened, and she overloaded all over his spike, making him moan in turn.

Starscream: ""

Starscream grabbed onto her chest plates, dragging his digits all the way down before digging his digits under them.

Starscream: "Open this chest of yours. I want to see your spark and hear you beg for me."

Y/n followed orders and allowed her chamber to open up and did his.

He then reached in, holding her spark in his hands.

Starscream: "This and the rest of you will be mine, my dear Y/n."

Starscream let her spark go and grabbed onto her shoulders before he pushed their chest together and pushed his spark into hers, engulfing it into a firey passion of memories, hopes, dreams, and life

Y/n: "Mmhmm...your spark....I love it so much....."

Starscream: "You mean my spike?"

Y/n: "No, your spark...the whole you...I love it all, such a perfect sparkmate."

Y/n laid her helm on his shoulder, burning her face into his neck as she enjoyed their time.

Starscream sat there in shock before he wrapped his arms around her as they relaxed by the koi fish spring.

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