Chapter 97

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When the morning came around, Saphira slept in a little longer than she had the day before. But she eventually woke up, and as she stirred, she felt the familiar presence of her sparkmate's holoform next to her. His arms were wrapped around her, and she felt him kissing her forehead as he could sense he waking up from her sleep. She smiled and she stretched out her limbs before she opened her eyes, looking into beautiful, blue optics that were gazing back at her. No words were spoken as they kiss gently. No words needed to be spoken as they could feel their love through the bond. The silent communication was always just as romantic as their compliments to each other.

Optimus ran his fingers through her hair, brushing strands from her face. He kissed her again before he pulled away. "Happy birthday, my sweet gem. Today you turn twenty years old. Congratulations." Her smile widened as his voice purred as he spoke to her. He kissed her again as she blushed. "I know you are going to be in for an amazing day, my beautiful sparkmate. The morning is still young, so we have a full day of celebrating to do."

Saphira kissed him as she kept her arms around him. "Thank you, Optimus. I admit, I don't feel twenty. It feels like we have known each for much longer." He let out a soft chuckle in amusement as he listened to her. "So twenty really does feel strange, in a way. But I am happy. I am spending this day with you and the other autobots. So I thank you, Optimus. And I need no physical gifts. I just want to stay with you."

Optimus kissed her gently and rubbed her cheek gently. "I hope that means you won't be disappointed to learn that we did get you some presents." She chuckled and shook her head. "Good. Bumblebee himself spent a few weeks trying to figure out what to get you for your birthday. I think that alone shows that you can't turn down gifts."

"He didn't have to do that." She giggled softly as she thought about how often Bee would spend window shopping or checking the internet to see what he could get for her. Saphira did give the autobots access to her bank, so they have been able to use the money. But they hardly touch it, so she wasn't worried that they would spend the wealth she currently had. "But I will make sure to thank him profusely for it. Especially if he spent that much time."

Optimus was glad that she would take Bumblebee's hard work into consideration when she receives his gift. "Good. We did have to help Hound, Drift and Crosshairs figure out what to get you, since they insisted on getting you gifts as well."

"Somehow, I imagine the same kind of gift Ironhide would give me from Hound. Though..." Saphira rubbed her hand on the bracelet she still had one. She didn't take it off as a safety precaution. Same with the necklace. "I would be curious to know the differences."

Optimus knew that he couldn't give away what exactly Hound had for her, so he had to keep that to himself. "I know it seems that Hound is like Ironhide, but those two are quite different from each other, Saphira. You will learn that the more you learn and get on with Hound. Though I suppose they both knew they were going to like you from the start is probably the main similarity between the two."

Saphira was aware of that. She knew that when she first met Ironhide, he showed off his canons. It was his way of telling her that he was going to like her. He wasn't the type to come right out and say it, which was just his way. Whereas Hound pretty much said it straight out when she first met him. Especially since she thought he was hilarious from the get go, and she actually had helped him pick out a vehicle mode since he didn't find any he liked at the time.

"I guess you are right." Saphira shifted as she rolled away, stretching out her limbs with a light yawn. "Whatever they have chosen to get me, I know that I will love it." She stretched again and arched her back. "Though I kind of don't want to get out of bed, but we can't get" She sat up slowly and Optimus sat up as well. "I guess I should get myself changed out of my pyjamas and get my hair tidied for the day."

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