Chapter 45

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Two Weeks Later...

The two weeks Optimus and Saphira spent together pass by rather quickly for them. They spent several days at Wildberry lodge, and Saphira was indulged with delightful experiences that Optimus ensured she enjoyed. Including another picnic, one that had the view of mountains and rolling hills at sundown. It was very beautiful and amazing. He made Saphira feel like she was the most beautiful person in the world. They returned to the emerald field afterwards to spend the remainder of their time together. Optimus ensured that Saphira would not be bored, she was thrilled when he brought along things they could do together. He could finally play Chess with her, she taught him how to skip stones on the water, she even bought a simple paint kit to teach him how to paint and Optimus gladly told Saphira more stories about his time as Orion Pax. She was amused by the times Optimus had actually been drunk on a version of energon that resembled alcohol for transformers. It seemed he was a heavy drinker when he was young, even Megatron. It was just a great time for them both to have together.

They were currently on their way back to NEST, Saphira was feeling less than thrilled about it. She knew she would have a few weeks to practice her driving skills before officially becoming an instructor. Plus, she would be taught basic self defence skills that she could use if needed. She also had not yet seen the house she would call home either. She knew this was going to happen, but she wished for more time with Optimus. Though, she did know she would be constantly feeling that way regardless of how much time they spent together.

She stared out the window as the world goes by as Optimus drives back to the base. "At least it will be good to see the others again," Saphira said with a slight smile. She did miss spending time with Bee, she wondered how he was doing. "I hope they haven't been chomping at the bit since we have left."

"They might have been. Though I have no doubt they will be thrilled to see us again, Saphira. I got a message earlier from Bee telling me to return sooner so he could see you and make sure you are okay. I don't really get why he feels that way though." She giggled a little, Bee being protective of her is rather cute. "Though, I guess it is how it is when you have a sibling. Even if you are not related by species."

"I think it is cute. I just hope it does not get to a point of being overprotective though. After all, he knows you won't hurt me. I think it is just his way of saying he misses me without telling the whole thing." Saphira looked ahead, she could see the NEST base coming into view and sighed a little. "Still...I wouldn't mind another week..."

"You and I would be saying that if we did have another week together, Saphira. I too am a little sad that we have to return and start our work again. However, there is still decepticons out there, and Megatron is cowering somewhere on this planet. We need to deal with them."

"I another world where they are completely extinguished, we might not be working with NEST right now. Oh well...still, I am still excited to see what a Peterbilt can do. Of course, within reason." She chuckled a little as she thought about the practice, she would have driving the truck. Optimus chuckled with her as well, he too was curious to see how her skills with a car would translate to a truck. "And the house I will be staying in. I'm kind of nervous if I am honest."

"I doubt there is anything to be afraid of, Saphira. We have faced far worse than any of those."

"I know. I guess it's just me being nervous for no reason." Optimus turned off the road towards the gates into NEST. The soldiers watching salute Optimus and open the gates for him. " is probably just the transition into a life I am not familiar with yet. Once it becomes a daily thing, I will be fine. If anything, I am more nervous about my birthday and inheriting what my grandfather had than this."

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