Chapter 56

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The following morning finally came around. Saphira was excited and felt bright as a daisy as she practically jumped out of bed with excitement when she woke up early that morning. She knew that she would be driving down to Texas today, and she knew it would take a few days to get there. But she did not mind at all. She got dressed and took her last suitcase out to her car before she would have breakfast. None of the autobots were around at the moment, but that was okay. She grabbed out her phone to send a text to Optimus.

'Good morning, Optimus. I hope you are feeling okay today. I am almost ready head off on the road. Did you want me to wait for you and the others to get here, or should I maybe go fill my car's tank up and meet you outside the city?'

Saphira guessed the autobots could be back at the base grieving for their lost bots. She was still feeling sad too, but she knew that Optimus did not want her to be focused on the grief. She was almost finished with her breakfast at this point. She didn't know what would happen with this house once she leaves, but it was no longer her responsibility. Once she leaves, she would only come back to Washington to visit the NEST base. She glanced at her phone when she heard it go off.

'I am okay, Saphira. Losing any of my autobots is extremely painful for me. However, it is a life that we have been forced to endure thanks to Megatron. Bumblebee, Barricade, Ironhide, Dino and Sideswipe will meet you at the house. Ratchet, Wheeljack and I will meet you outside of the city. We have a few things to finish off with before we can leave.'

Saphira smiled as she read the text. She hugged the phone slightly, wishing she could hug Optimus right now. She finished off her food and washed up her plate before she responded to him. She heard the sound of engines outside the house as she typed back to him.

'I still think we don't have to celebrate my birthday, Optimus. I will have another one next year. I am glad you will still travel with me to Texas. I am admittedly nervous and excited at the same time, even though I know there is no reason to feel that way.'

Saphira walked to the front door and opened it, looking out to see Bee and Barricade's holoforms approaching the front door. "Hey, guys! I was actually just about to tell you I'm ready to go. I just need to use the bathroom and we can head off."

"Aw, you don't want to do something before we leave?" Bee asked in a fake, sulky voice.

Saphira grinned at him and walked back inside. "I would rather not waste the time of the day, Bumblebee. Besides, I also booked a room at the Ancient Lore Village for tonight, and we need to get there today."

"I see..." Barricade walked into the house as Saphira ducked into the downstairs toilet and closed the door behind her. "Is it just for you or two people?"

Saphira chuckled softly. "Take a guess, Barricade. You know that I want to spend a bit of private time with Optimus. We haven't had much private time, and I feel like we are missing out on just having a good time together."

"I know. I was only teasing." He and Bee stood in the hallway as they wait for her to finish using the bathroom. "Is the Ancient Lore Village the only place you want to stop at? Or do you have another place in mind for tomorrow night? I am just curious so we know where we are going and we don't end up somewhere as a surprise."

"I haven't really thought that far, I think the Ancient Lore Village was the place I really wanted to stay at," Saphira admitted as she waited for a response from Optimus as well. "It might actually being a surprise, though somewhere off the road and camping at some national park might be the best option. I really do not mind."

"Well, at least we know tomorrow's going to be a spontaneous decision," Bumblebee said with a light chuckle. "And it's not entirely bad. We might find a place where all of us bots can spend time with you, Saphira. I know the day after we're supposed to arrive at Everett's old house and celebrate your birthday, though I am sure there will be nothing like a pre-birthday pond dash or even a game of volleyball or something..."

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