Chapter 91

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Sentinel had been sitting on the side of the tower, watching as the decepticons defended the pillars that were within the gondolas of the tower. He was very annoyed that the autobots had faked their deaths. It was very clever of them, and yet it has left him thinking. He had allowed Megatron to take the moment to try and court Saphira. While his full form was standing beside him on the tower, Megatron's holoform was within Trump Tower with Saphira right now. Sentinel clenched his fists for a moment before he turned to Megatron.

He observed him, and saw that Megatron was not even paying attention. He a grin on his face that was dark and devious. Megatron spoke a few words that were hard for Sentinel to pick up. But Sentinel glanced at Trump Tower before he spoke to Megatron. "I think you have had your chance now, Megatron." The decepticon jumped and looked at Sentinel in surprise. "You are to stop your attempts with courting Saphira. Her sparkmate is still alive and well, and you will stop your actions right now."

Megatron stared at Sentinel before he smirked a little. "You and I were not expecting Optimus Prime to still be alive, Sentinel. I am afraid..." He let out a low chuckle. "It is too late. Saphira is already mine. It does not matter that Optimus is..."

Sentinel grabbed the side of Megatron's head roughly and pressed him against the wall of the building. "You are not going to fool me with your venomous words! If I discover you have harmed Saphira, I will execute you myself!" He threw Megatron off the building harshly, watching the decepticon fall down and hit back of his head with grunt. "And you had better remember that I am not working for you!" Megatron just growled as he stood up and stumbled away. Sentinel glanced at the tower again before opening a channel. "Decepticons around the world launch the pillars."


Eddie slammed open a door after he, Robert and the other men finally made it through the building. They were relieved that Optimus had destroyed Driller as it allowed them to finally get down to the ground. But they now had to figure out a new plan. They still needed to destroy the red pillar, and they no longer had a point of interest. A new plan was needed, and they needed to figure it out fast. Especially as they run down the alley, they look up at the 35 East Wacker to see there was pulsing starting around one of the gondolas.

"Uh, does that mean it has started?" Eddie asked as he gestured to the building. "Cause it seems like that pillar is warming up or something..." He shook his head as they jog down the street. "What do we do now, Epps?"

"I think we need to regroup with the autobots before we can move forward," Robert responded, glancing up at the tower with concern. Now that he has seen that the pillars have started to charge, they probably only had at least an hour, most likely less, to even do anything to stop him. "There is absolutely no way we can get close to that building without them. Especially if the decepticons have them bridges by the river raised up to stop us from crossing."

That seemed to make sense to them. Without the aid of the autobots, they really could not do much. But they didn't get too far in the alley either, as a blast from above made them duck and run to the left into a large church. They did not know if that shot was an accident, but it did not matter. Once they were inside the church, they look around and took a moment to catch their breaths. They weren't sure how they were going to reach the autobots either.

"You know what?!" Robert turned to look at Eddie as the man barked loudly. "We should have turned our asses around when we were given a chance. I realized now that I didn't want to do this!" Robert frowned at his friend in shock. "We have been running, and running, and we had to climb a thousand stairs, and we achieved nothing!"

"You had a chance to shoot that pillar!" Robert snapped back at the man in frustration. "You had a chance, but you took too long, because you were too scared of the height. If you had aimed that rocket like you were supposed to, we would be finishing off the last to the decepticons right about now!" He let out a light laugh of disbelief. "I give you one thing to do. One thing to do! And you drop the ball on that?!"

Heart of a Primeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن