Chapter 41

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One Week Later...

After arriving in the US, Saphira was very happy to travel with Will and Robert to the NEST base, though she was a bit sad she wasn't able to travel with Optimus to the base. The base they were bringing her to is a base near Washington, she did not mind at all. Will informed her she would be meeting with some superiors to speak on about her job at the NEST base, along with the rules she had to follow, basic training she might have to go through and be shown to her house. It was not yet ready for her to move in according to Will. But, it would be finished in a few days. Saphira looked forward to moving in and she was advised she would be given a few weeks to rest before starting her job anyway.

When she met the superiors, she was a bit intimidated by them as they were rather stern in their voice and it made Saphira worried on what would happen if she angers them. However, she spoke with them and she was given rules. She was glad she was not restricted on access to the autobots, except when they are in a debrief about a mission, which made sense. She was not meant to have clearance about all this, but there was not much that could be done about that now. She was pleased about her new job though, she would be given time to practice her driving skills after having a few weeks off and she would be able to pick the vehicles she would like to drive and to use in the lessons while developing a driving course students would need to learn. She was looking forward to that.

The only thing that has been troubling her was Galloway has been acting irratic. No one knows exactly why he has been acting like that, though he has been acting nervous and Saphira has made sure to avoid him as much as possible. He also has remained very vocal about getting rid of the autobots and ending the alliance. This seemed to have cost him his position though, especially since the autobots and William Lennox were given recognition for saving the world against the Fallen. Lennox himself was given a promotion to Colonel due to this, making Saphira very happy for him. Though she did hear Robert might be retiring from military life, though that has not been confirmed. He has been talking about how he was done with war, she didn't blame him about that though.

Right now, Saphira was sitting in an office overlooking the hangar waiting for the autobots to arrive. She has not seen them for a few days and she was looking forward to seeing them again. She tapped her foot lightly, humming to herself softly and fiddling with her fingers as she waited on their arrival. She knew they were arriving today, she didn't know the reason why it took longer for them to get to the base, but she guessed it was a government reason.

"There you are." She turned her head when she heard Lennox and smiled at him. "I knew I would find you lurking around here. Excited to see them again?"

Saphira nodded with a smile. "Of course. Feels like weeks already."

He smiled as he sat next to her. "Uh huh, it wouldn't be because of a certain Prime, would it?"

She rolled her eyes and grinned at Will. "Of course, Will. You know what it is like, being away from the person you love."

"Yeah, but you get to be on the base and see him more often than I get to see my wife and kid. So...not quite the same. Though, I definitely understand." He looked at the hangar and thought for a moment before looking at her. "I have good news too. Galloway is gone from the base, and he won't be coming back."

"That is good. I never liked him. There was a strange vibe from him when he spoke to me, like he was nervous and angry at the same time. I don't really know the reason for it, but I just assume because he dislikes the autobots." She looked at Will curiously. "Who's taking his place?"

"No idea yet. But...hopefully they won't be as much of an asshole as he was," Will said with a slight shrug. "Anyway, the autobots are about five minutes away." Five minutes?! Saphira makes a pouty face and looked at the hangar, making Will laugh gently. "Don't be so upset, I hear there might be something planned for you."

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