Chapter 90

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The men took their time to prepare more of their weapons, including a rocket, so they were ready to move once Optimus would give them the okay to push forward through the city. They all knew they were outgunned, to a point, but with the hope that the air force was on their way, they had to rely on each other and the other autobots. They at least were able to get pretty far into the city, but the central part was still some way away, and they knew it. And there were a lot more ships protecting that part of the city. With only a single rocket that could potentially destroy the pillar, they only had one shot at the moment.

"I don't suppose we will even get close enough to use this?" Eddie asked, holding up the rocket to show Robert. "Not only do we need to get closer, we need to get higher!" He shook his head and took a deep breath. "And we only have one shot."

"A single shot is all you are going to need," Barricade said confidently as he was listening to the man. "We can distract Sentinel, and you should be able to find a vantage point high enough to take the shot.'ll have to make sure it counts. We need to stop what they plan to do."

Robert nodded affirmatively. He looked ahead as he saw Optimus returning with the other autobots. "We have located a route through the city." He transformed and connected onto the trailer. "Let's roll!"

Robert and his men nod as they run over to Ironhide as he transformed back into the GMC and they climb inside quickly. The autobots speed away through the streets to make their way through the route that they had managed to scout out. Robert could not help but look out the window as he wondered where Saphira was right now. He did feel guilty that he had not been able to prevent Saphira from making a rash decision in running into the city. He knew that nothing would be able to change that decision. But he did hope to make it up to her and the autobots by ensuring they defeat Megatron and Sentinel Prime today.

Driving through the city, they knew they had some blocks away before they were in range. Regardless of that fact, the decepticons have not yet noticed them. Or at least, that is what they believe to be the case. They had to avoid a lot of the debris they pass by as they speed through the city. The autobots have taken notice of the bodies around the city, and the skeleton remains of those who have faced the blasts from the decepticons. It made them sit to their tanks knowing this has happened. To a point, they did allow this to happen, but it still made them feel bad this happened.

They turned down different streets through the city, slowly approaching the river as they went. Robert was happy that they were able to gain so much ground. However, he turned his head when heard the sound of something crashing out from the ground. He widened his eyes as he saw Driller, the same drill worm he had seen in Chernobyl when he and Lennox had travelled over there for a mission. And that was not long ago. Robert's had some nightmares of that thing.

"Woah! Look out, Optimus!" Robert shouts as Driller dug and weaved through the ground, and he hit Optimus's trailer. Optimus tried to hang onto the trailer as it swung hard to the right before snapping from him as it began to roll. "Holy shit!" Robert shook his head and hit the door lightly. "Get us away from that thing, Ironhide! It's going to eat us!"

With the trailer loose from Optimus, Driller remained intent on following Optimus down the street. It was still digging into the road and destroying it. He was lucky there was no sinkhole being formed because of the structural damage that the large, worm-like decepticon was causing. Though a sinkhole probably would not matter to the decepticon, it would just drill through it anyway. The autobots flee down the street knowing that they were at a slight disadvantage. Barricade himself had always disliked Driller, as he thought it was kind of creepy. But he hoped that they would be able to destroy it.

Though Driller came to a halt and opened at the top, bringing Shockwave out. He had clearly been watching the whole time, it would seem. He was amused by the fleeing autobots, and chanted some mockery at the autobots before he began to fire at the autobots. They weave to avoid being hit before they turn sharply, finding themselves driving towards a museum to take shelter in. Ironhide let Epps and his men out before the autobots transform, forming a quick protective perimeter in the museum.

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