Chapter 52

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When the following day came around, Saphira woke up rather late in the morning as she had no reason to get up early now. She could take her time and just enjoy waking up rather than needing to get up and go for the day. She smiled as she saw the light of the sun filtering into the room and she stretched out her limbs. She rolled over to have a look at her phone, and she sat up when she saw a text message from Optimus.

'I apologize for not responding sooner, Saphira. I assure you we will be home for your birthday. I am afraid we still have our current mission, and it seems like Sideswipe, Dino and Chromia may not be present. Bumblebee, Ironhide and Barricade have all stated they will come back home once we know we can. I hope you will have a restful week.'

Saphira could not help but smile. While she was sad not all of them would make it, she was happy that most would be. She felt a surge of happiness, though she knew it may not happen on the day. She reread the text a few more times before she kissed the screen for a moment and began to type a text in response to him.

'Thanks for letting me know, Optimus. I am going to be a little busy today, so I won't be able to text all the time today. But I am looking forward to my birthday. And I hope you and I will find time to spend together too.'

She sent the text and laid there in her bed for a little longer before she made herself get up to head downstairs to make some breakfast. She brought her phone with her as she wanted to contact the attorney about what time she should meet him to discuss the inheritance. She saw it was nearly nine in the morning due to sleeping in.

She settled on trying up some eggs and making toast. She didn't feel like making pancakes, so she wanted something that was easy and filling to make. Once she had finished cooking the food, she sat at the table quietly with the letter from the attorney and dialled the number that was on the letter. She didn't know who this person was, but she was glad he kept her grandfather's wealth and estate safe.

After a few rings, someone picked up. "You're speaking with Andrew Holmes, how may I help you?"

"Morning Andrew, this Saphira Dawn," She said in a less than confident tone. "Are you Everett Dawn's attorney?"

"Ah, Saphira!" The man said happily as soon as he knew who she was. "I am pleased you called me. I was not sure if my message had gotten to you, but it looks like it did. Anyway, I am in town for a few days as you and I have to discuss Everett's will and inheritance. Do you think you can come speak with me today?"

"Yes, of course! What time would suit you best? I can come around at any time today." Saphira thought about the farmhouse she used to spend time at with her grandparents and how much fun she had. "You mentioned in the letter you're at one of the law firms too."

"Correct, I'm at the Washington Law Firm PLLC. If you can meet me at around one this afternoon, I will have everything ready for you, Miss Dawn. I want the process to be as smooth as possible."

Saphira smiled as that gave her a few hours to do something else. "I will see you there at one, Mr Holmes. I hope you won't have a terribly busy day."

The man gave an amused laugh. "You're my only client today before I head back to my own state of Texas. Thankfully, it will be a chill day. I'll see you later."

The man hangs up and Saphira smiled as she put the phone down, feeling happy that she would get to speak to him later. She finished off her breakfast and cleaned up the kitchen before heading upstairs to get changed. It felt nice to change into something casual rather than a uniform, and it definitely was going to help to relax for the day. She considered spending the day cleaning the house so it would be nice when she does leave it.

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