Chapter 83

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Saphira did not know how long she had been sitting on the pier crying her eyes out. But the sky was turning dark by the time she managed to calm herself down enough to focus. Her eyes were irritated from all the crying she had been doing, and she was feeling exhausted. She honestly just wanted to curl up and sleep. But she was certain that any bed she would lay in, would be cold. Without Optimus, she did not know if she would ever feel warm again. Although he wasn't always there physically, she never felt like this before. The loss and hurt so much.

She looked at the crash site. There were hundreds of military personal over there right now, going through the wreckage to locate the autobots. Saphira really did not want to see any pieces of their bodies. But if they were to locate the emerald, she will want that. It was what Optimus had kept with him, and it will be like holding a piece of him. Maybe even the Matrix. She knew he still had it. Either one would be nice. At least he would be with her in some way.

She glanced at her phone, and realized she still had Dylan's number in her call history. Maybe there was a way to trace that phone. Dylan is working with the decepticons, so maybe it was possible to use his phone to find where the decepticons are going to act out their plan. She frowned as she tightened her grip on her phone. As far as she was concerned, Dylan was also responsible for killing the autobots. She wanted to kill him.

She owed it to the autobots to try. She owed it to her sparkling. She looked up at the sky, spotting the stars peering through the darkening sky. It was almost as if they were the sparks of the autobots looking down on her. And it made her shed some more tears before she finally forced herself to leave the pier. There was no use in sitting here and crying. She had to do something. If this was their fight now, they couldn't just sit by and do nothing while the decepticons destroy this world.

She made her way back to the hangar as fast possible, though she suspected Mearing was in the control tower. She spotted Simmons and Dutch, and she was surprised as they appeared to be leaving. She ran over to them. "Simmons!" She shouts at him, getting the man's attention as he turned to look at her in surprise. "Are you leaving?"

Simmons had a calm expression on his face as he looked back at Saphira, watching as she took deep breaths now that she had caught up to him. "I am not sure if I am going to be useful here, Saphira. Our leaders made a stupid decision, and they are already regretting it. You and I both know that this is only going to go south."

Saphira could not smile. She wanted to, but she felt as though her cheek muscles were took weak to smile. "Maybe. But..." She looked at her phone and looked back at Dutch. "Are you able to track a phone call, Dutch? The last number that had rang me was from Dylan Gould..."

"Dylan Gould? The CEO of Hotchkiss Gould Investments?" Simmons interrupts in surprise, and Saphira nodded. "Oh...right...they do accountants for NASA. Ooh..."

"Yeah, and apparently, his father was made to work with the decepticons and he inherited that alliance as well," Saphira explained as she held her phone to Dutch. "I think he is still working with the decepticons, and he might be going to wherever the decepticons are going since he's the head of their human operations."

"Lucky man to not have been shot at by the decepticons." Simmons looked at Dutch who was looking at the phone curiously. "Dutch, take the girl's phone, and track that number and phone down. We need to know where they are so that the military can figure out what their next moves are." Saphira let Dutch take the phone from her so he could track the phone number. "Let's head back in. I am sure Mearing is going to want to know this information too."

Saphira nodded as she followed the two men back inside. She did not know if she should feel happy to know more about where the plan was going to take place, but she knew she would at least feel resolved. She had no idea what she was going to do with the information that they would discover, so for the moment she was mostly interested in finding out where the decepticons were right now. And if there was any chance of stopping them, she would take it.

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