Chapter 4

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Following the yellow camaro on the bike, Saphira was determined to catch it. She was focused on getting as close to it as possible. She tried to see who was driving it, she could not see the back of a head in the driver's seat, but as she car continued driving through the streets, Saphira did manage to see through the windows when it made a turn to the left. She blinked because she thought she saw no body driver the camaro. That seemed incredibly stupid of course, cars don't drive themselves she was just having a moment because she was pissed someone stole her car. However, she saw the car was driving towards a construction site. She thought the car would turn away, but it drove through a gate to get inside.

Why the hell are they stealing a car just to come to some construction yard?!

Saphira was able to follow the car into the site, but as she did so, she lost sight of her camaro. All the building materials there were stacked around with dirt mounds and vehicles around made it very difficult to keep an eye on the car. She rode around carefully, looking around for any sign of her car. It had to be here somewhere. However, when she did see her car, she was so shocked that she stared at it for too long that she rode right over pipes, causing the bike to flip forward. She yelped as she landed hard on the ground, her elbows scrapped the gravel and she grimaced, feeling the sting on her elbow from the broken skin.

"Oww..." Saphira groaned, carefully pushing herself off the ground and peering over a mound of dirt at what she saw. "What the...this has to be a bad dream..."

She saw her camaro alright. Except, it was not a car anymore. She saw a massive, yellow with black stripe, humanoid robot creature standing by a metal silo, or something that looked like one in the darkness of the night. She stared it, no believing what she was seeing. This was definitely a dream. Saphira watched as it looked at the sky before a beam of light shoots out from it's chest and the robot aims the light to the sky, very similar to the Batman symbol. Saphira blinked in shock, her mouth was hanging open as she stared at this robot, and she didn't believe what she was seeing.

She huffed and looked down at her bike for a moment before she slid down the hill to grab it and got on it to ride away from the construction site. She needed to clear her head, she hoped that if she gets back to the house, it was all just a very strange dream. And if she wakes up with the injuries on her elbows, then she will know it was not a dream. Though she did wonder if it was not a dream, then why did this car allow her to buy it in the first place. That made no sense. Much less sense than the weird cop that pulled her over. Unless there was a connection of course, but Saphira did not really want to know if there was.

She returned to the two-story house, and she was a bit shocked that the lights were not on. Her parents didn't wake up, even when the engine was turned on and when she yelled at them to call the police. She shakes her head to herself, at least she knew how much she could rely upon them if she was truly in danger. She parked her bike back where it was by the back door, she walked back the house and smacks her cheeks gently to try and get herself to wake up. Nothing. But she did need to do some first aid with some ointment on her wounds. They stopped bleeding, so she cleaned them up and applied some antibacterial ointment on them, wincing at the ointment stung slightly, but it was better than nothing.

Hopefully when I wake up, they are gone and I don't have a story to tell anyone.

And with that, she crawled back into her bed, falling into a deep sleep, one without a dream. However, she slept so soundly, that she ended up sleeping in quite a few hours. She wakes up to find it was ten thirty, she was shocked that she had overslept, usually she did not. But no one came in to wake her as normal. She sat up from her bed and groaned, feeling the familiar sting in her elbows and she glanced down at them with a frown.

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