Chapter 80

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Saphira drove through the city in a desperate attempt to locate Sentinel. She knew he could have already left the city, but she spotted military vehicles, and the autobots driving in one direction, and she would follow them and make sure she kept her distance. They might not be familiar with her Lamborghini, but she wasn't about to give them the chance to see her through the windows. So she made sure that she kept a close eye on them from a distance, and she avoided police as well as they were directing people away from the direction the military were heading towards. She could still sense the range of emotions from Optimus, and she really wished she was there to support him. She understood that he wanted to keep her safe. It still made her upset being separated from him, regardless of his intention.

As she followed the military and the autobots, she saw that they were heading towards the Lincoln Memorial, and she knew she had to make sure to keep hidden. She drove to park alongside the Vietnams Veteran Memorial, parking under the shadow of a tree and shutting off the lights. She kept the engine running in case she needed to get out of here very quickly. But from here, she could see Sentinel by the reflecting pool with the five pillars. He was spreading them out in some kind of formation in preparation to use them.

But that was not the only thing she saw. She shivered immediately as she saw him. Megatron was here, and he was walking into the monument where Abraham Lincoln's statue resides in. She was very glad that he had not seen her. Starscream seemed to be with him as well, but they were talking about something while they watch Sentinel. Saphira knew for a fact that she could not get out to speak to Sentinel right at this moment, but she could definitely watch and see what would happen.

At the same time, Optimus had arrived as well. Sentinel was preparing to activate the red pillar, and Saphira knew that pillar was the one that controlled the others. And it would have to be destroyed in order to stop Sentinel and Megatron with going through with their plan. Saphira was hoping that Optimus would destroy it, but she did not know what he was planning. She winds the window down enough to be able to hear.

Optimus transformed and ran over to him. He was full of desperation at the moment. He could see Sentinel preparing to use the pillars, and Saphira did not know what he was about to transport. "Stop! No, no, no, Sentinel!" Optimus pleaded, running towards his former mentor desperately.

Sentinel visibly grimaced, and somehow, Saphira wondered if a part of him regretted what he was about to do. Maybe there was, but he was still going ahead with it. "Forgive me." He pressed down on the pillar, and activated it.

All five pillars activated and bright lines point to the sky as electricity ran through them. The water rippled and splashed from the energy surge as an energy barrier formed like a blue mist. It was quite the sight to behold, and Optimus himself seemed to be shocked that Sentinel had actually gone through with this. Ironhide reached Optimus as well and he transformed, running over to him to watch what was happening.

Ironhide stared at the bridge and looked at Optimus. "We are going to need to destroy the pillars and kill Sentinel, Optimus. He is far too dangerous to keep around, especially if his mind and spark had been convinced to change to the side of the decepticons."

Optimus nodded in agreement. Lennox and his men were approaching quickly with the other autobots to help stop Sentinel. Though while Optimus and Ironhide were contemplating a plan, Saphira widened her eyes as decepticons and ships begin to pour out of the space bridge. They quickly began spreading out into the city, making her tense and place her hand on the gear stick in case any of them were to spot her. So far, none have and several already ran passed her, but she was prepared. If they scan her car and keep going, that was fine. Otherwise, she was going to get out of there.

Ironhide armed his canons and began shooting decepticons that were charging at him and Optimus. Optimus armed himself to fight the decepticons rushing them, swinging his blades around to slice several decepticons in half and cutting off their heads. Bumblebee, Dino and Sideswipe transform to join in on the fight. Barricade and Ratchet were still missing, as Ratchet was likely fixing him. And Wheeljack was also not there, but Saphira already could tell having more autobots would not matter. There were so many decepticons running into the city and shooting at the innocent bystanders who were by the park.

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