Chapter 76

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Not really knowing how she felt, Saphira looked ahead at Seymour's mansion as they approach the large gates to his home. Saphira felt as though it was right to go to his mansion, as he said that his assistant had the right programs to help them figure out the mystery. While Saphira was not overly fond of Simmons, he has proven his worth in the past. His strangeness seemed to be his personality trait, and Saphira couldn't really say she could understand it. But he would be able to help them, and that is what mattered the most. She was nervous about what they would learn about the decepticons, but it was necessary to find out more of their plan. And confirm if Barricade was right about what he believes will happen. Even if Sentinel had already given her some suspicions by what he said, she still wanted confirmation.

"Your heart's beating rather quickly," Barricade spoke gently as he approached the doors that Seymour had opened. The man was standing there waiting for him and Bee to roll in. "I guess you are nervous. I know this isn't exactly what we wanted to do, but I too want to confirm my suspicions."

She nodded. She was definitely nervous. Saphira really did not know how things would go, but they would at least get answers. "I am mostly upset because...I am upset for Optimus. I know that I don't Sentinel well, but I had really hoped that he might be good. I know he says he does not wish to harm me, but I don't know. I just hope that...maybe...he does not have a huge part to play in this...well..." She let out a shaky breath and wiped a couple tears from her eyes. "I guess I still kind of hope."

"Me too, if I am honest. I honestly should admit this, I really wish I was wrong. I well, and truly do." Saphira smiled a little as she understood what Barricade was saying. "If I did not hear a thing about it, I would be here cheering him on. But I can't. Not with what I might know. We will find out today or tomorrow what really is happening." Barricade came to a stop in the room, noticing that Simmons had set up a table with computers and files. "This man does not wait around."

"Barricade! Bumblebee!" Seymour said enthusiastically, smiling as Saphira got out of the car and the two autobots transform after he closed the door. "How are the two of you? I hope you have been good. It feels like a lifetime since I last saw you."

Barricade smirked a little as he gazed down at the man. "Yeah...I don't exactly have the most savory memory of you, Simmons. But we have the same goal." He glanced at the computers and walked closer before he saw a blonde man looking up at him sternly. "And who is this man?"

"Oh, he's my assistant and bodyguard, Dutch." The man smiled proudly, and Dutch was also proud to be introduced. "He is a wiz with technology, and the best asset we got here. He's clear for classified information as well, so you need not worry. He will help us get to the bottom of this."

Barricade eyed off the man curiously, before he seemed to accept it. "It seems we have some much needed aid. If you have a spare computer, I wish to make use of it. It will help with having direct access to human data. You might be good, but you aren't an autobot."

Dutch smiled at the bot, though seemed a tad nervous with the former decpeticon looming over him. "I have a spare laptop for you. Shall I leave it on the desk here for you?"

Barricade sat down with a shrug. "Yup, just leave it there." The man grabbed out the spare laptop, turned it on and placed it on the desk. Barricade reached out to it before extending small tendrils to connect to the laptop. He turned his head and saw Saphira watching curiously, making him smile at her. "How else do you expect us to learn about your world?"

She shrugged and let out a chuckle. "I did wonder how Optimus and the others learned our languages without direct connection...though I guess..." She looked at Bumblebee who began to act innocently. "You had a hand in it, didn't you?"

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