Chapter 89

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Robert stared at the direction Saphira had walked towards. He had no idea what she was thinking. She was walking to her death, as far as he knew. The city was not completely razed, but it could be. And she was stuck inside now, and Robert was not able to convince the girl to turn and go back with him. He wished she had listened to him, but there was nothing more he could do. He tried, and she was too stubborn, of grief stricken to listen to him. And so she walked into that burning city, knowing full well she may never come back out. The man could not help but shake his head, almost shedding a tear for the girl.

He turned and walked back towards his car. He had been standing there staring for about five minutes of disbelief. He really could not believe what happened. He did not know how he was going to tell Lennox, as he knew that Lennox cared deeply for Saphira. He was protective of her, as Lennox kind of filled the role of a father in Saphira's life. Regardless, Robert was at a loss of what just happened. The despair that girl must be feeling must be strong.

David looked at his friend sympathetically as Robert approached the car. "That girl is very strong. Stronger than the whole seven of us right here." Epps nodded in agreement, looking back at the direction Saphira had walked towards. "I guess love is blind, and she pretty much proved it."

"I agree." Robert was tempted to run into the city to drag her out, but he knew that would be suicide. And he had no idea if Saphira had already been shot at, as that was possible. "But there is no going into that place. No way in hell. I just wish I could have...been enough for her to listen to."

David nodded and placed his hand on the man's shoulder. "Come. There is nothing more that we can do. She's been in there for about five to ten minutes already. There is no way we would be able to find her without being shot at by the decepticons. If we had the autobots, maybe, but I am not going in there now."

Robert nodded, and he walked towards the driver side of the vehicle. That is until Eddie shouted. "Wooahh! Incoming!" He turned and saw one of the decepticon ships firing at them. Robert and his man scatter to avoid being hit, while they watch as civilians run by them to get away.

They watch in horror as the ship fired mercilessly, though the decepticon wasn't hitting all the humans that were fleeing from it. And the men did not know if they would be able to fire their weapons at the ship, though as the ship was moving around so much and firing it was hard to get a clean shot at the ship. And they were horrified as the ship lowered down by a group of civilians, and blasted a pulse that killed the group of people. And they were turned into charred skeletons. They were shocked, and the ship did it again to another group of people. Knowing they could be next, the men prepared to fire.

Robert and his men duck as the ship lowered above them, and seemed to flip itself around. It did not release the pulse it had been using, and maybe this was a way to recharge, while disorientating the humans at the same time. The men aim their weapons as the ship flew away, and prepared to turn to kill them when a blast hit one of the engines. It was a blast that was not from any of their weapons. But whoever shot the ship destroyed the engine, making the decepticon panic and fire at the ground before losing control and landing hard on the ground.

Confused, they look up to see the decepticon pilot struggling to climb out of his destroyed ship. Robert widened his eyes in disbelief before he heard the sound of familiar footsteps approaching. He looked up and he gasped in disbelief. It could not be possible! Robert had witnessed the ship get blown up by Starscream, and now, he was seeing the impossible. Optimus Prime walking towards him with his weapon in his hand and very hard, angry expression on his face. He was well and truly alive.

"We will kill them!" Optimus declared coldly, looking ahead as loud engines closed in. Robert looked towards the ship, and he saw the wreckers slowing down and transforming, grinning at the struggling decepticon. The three wreckers were quick to grab the decepticon, and pull him out of the wreckage to pull him apart by his limbs. It really felt like a dream as the man stood up from the ground slowly, staring and turning to look back at Optimus. "Your leaders will now understand. Decepticons will never leave your planet alone. And we needed them to believe we had gone." Robert could not believe what he was hearing. The autobots fooled all of them! And that included Saphira. "For today, in the name of freedom, we take the battle to them!"

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