Chapter 21

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The following morning, Saphira woke up at seven with a smile. She stretched her limbs, yawning as she slowly woke up from her sleep. She rolled onto her left side and smiled, looking at the picture frame with Optimus's picture in it. It made her feel rather happy to see that by her bed. She noticed the time on her phone before she got up and got changed. She brushed her hair and braided it into a single, French braid. She hummed Honey Honey to herself as she walked out of her room and slid down the railing to the bottom of the stairs.

"Woah! Easy there!" Bee exclaimed as Saphira nearly landed on top of him and she giggled at him. "You're in a good mood this morning. I guess that is what happens when the gang is all here right?"

"Yes, precisely," Saphira smiled at him as she walked towards the kitchen, moving her legs as she kept humming Honey Honey and danced to the tune. "Besides, I got to make it count with the girls and Ironhide, they are only here for another day."

"You can say that again." Arcee peaks her head from around the corner into the kitchen and Saphira looked at her in surprise. "I hope you don't mind, I learned how to make good pancakes from a few of the chefs at the NEST base. It is fascinating to me. Plus, I learned other things too. I hope you don't mind, I am using the strawberries you had in the freezer."

"That is fine, I picked them a few weeks ago, so they would still be fresh." Saphira saw that Chromia and Moonracer were helping. She saw the pancakes in the fry pan and they looked like they were good. "Looks like you've done well. This is definitely a surprise. Too bad you lot can't eat the food with us."

"I wish for that too," Moonracer said with a smile. "There are so many different things to eat for you humans, and we're only stuck with energon. There are different flavours and types of energon, sure, but we don't get many options."

"At least it is something," Saphira said as she watched Arcee flip the pancakes. "Looks like you have it under control. They smell really good. What are you two making?"

"We just cooked up some omelettes using the basil and chili you had growing in the garden," Chromia responded, showing the three plates that had the omelettes on them. "And some hash brown with sweet potato and onion. It looks good."

"It smells good too, I don't think I will want to eat all day," Saphira said with a chuckle. "I hope the two guys are up from their sleep."

"They left with Optimus two hours ago to do some recon." Saphira looked at Arcee in surprise when she told her that. "Apparently, Barricade has come back. His vehicle form was spotted across the city, so the men, Optimus and Ironhide left to go find him. We are not sure if they have found him yet."

"Hopefully they will be back soon, otherwise their breakfast will go cold," Saphira said as she looked at the food. "I can't eat all of that on my own."

"Don't worry, they will be back soon," Ratchet said as his holoform walked through the front door. Saphira smiled when she saw him. "I thought I heard your voice. Good morning. Optimus let me know about five minutes ago they should be here in twenty minutes. They were not able to locate Barricade."

"That is okay, as long as they are safe." Saphira smiled and glanced at the girls as Arcee placed two pancakes each onto the plates. They were not huge pancakes, but they were thick and puffy. "They look good."

Saphira walked over to the table to sit down, her stomach growled at her and she was looking forward to eating. She heard a little bit of arguing from outside and she frowned a little, turning to look at the door curiously.

"Ignore that, Skids and Mudflap are just having a little argument over something trivial," Ratchet reassured Saphira when he noticed her glancing at the door. "Skids threw some dirt at Mudflap and that is where the argument started. They do this almost daily."

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