Chapter 2

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It was morning and Saphira woke up at seven like she did everyday and got up to brush her hair. It was a long routine given its length and thickness, but she enjoyed taking care of it everyday and putting it into nice hairstyles. Although, for school, she often stuck to a French braid, it was the easiest thing to do and less likely to get her hair targeted by unwanted bullies. Although, physical stuff has not happened for a while, she was still verbally taunted. Once her hair was finished with the braid, she changed into a casual outfit with a pair of jeans and a pink, V neck sweater, it was simple and pretty at the same time. At least, that is what she felt. She gathered all the Witwicky items into her bag and walked downstairs, finding her father, Michael Dawn, still seated at the counter.

"Dad? Aren't you usually at work by now?" Saphira questioned curiously, walking over to the fridge to get out some eggs to cook for herself. "I don't remember seeing you this early at all."

He smiled at her, he had grey hair and he was a little overweight. Her father's job was working in a distribution center that supplied major companies in the city and country. "I just wanted to remind you about today. After all, we are getting you a car today."

She turned away from her father, rolling her eyes and cracking the eggs into a fry pan after spraying oil into it. She turned on the gas stove before getting out some bread. "So you skipped going to work to remind me to get an A right? You know I always get A+'s right?"

"Yeah, I know, but I just want this to be a motivation thing." She felt real motivated. "I hope you don't mind that the car you get isn't going to be a spick and span brand-new car. Once you get a job, you will understand how expensive new cars are."

"Not at all dad, an old car isn't bad so long as the engine is working fine. But I can tweak it if I need to." Saphira was not sure what to expect when she goes to the car yard today to get a car, but she did only need a car to get to and from her garage and school.

"Hmm, at least you won't need to pay for a mechanic..." Michael was still salty that she expected to be paid for working on her parent's cars. "Anyway..." He stood up and looked at her with a smile. "I will pick you up this afternoon after history class. You'd better show me your grade before we get your car."


Saphira heard him grab his keys and looked over her shoulder. "Have a good day."

"You too sweetheart, love ya!"

And the door closes as he finally leaves the house. Saphira sighed with relief, he was finally gone! She did wish he would hug her goodbye sometimes, but as both parents never really did that, Saphira had gotten used to not having hugs or kisses on the cheek most of her life. She cooked her breakfast and ate it before needing to run to catch the bus to school. She ignored the other teenagers who were on the bus already and took a seat by herself, looking out the window with a smile. This was the last time she would ever need to right the bus to school. It will be a lot more peaceful at the very least. The rumble of the engine was more than enough company for her.

When she arrived at the high school, she went through her day like she did normally, starting with Math class that almost made her sleep. It was revision day and Saphira had completed her assignments already regarding Maths, so it was an easy, boring lesson for her, but she had to get through and she was handed back her assignments with A+. She ignored the jabs from the other students, there were other students who received good grades too, it was just due to her track record people picked on her. She ignored them as best as she anyway, and made it through to Grammar and Music without a hitch. Thankfully today was also a Friday, so she could think about the racemeet tonight. There actually were four racemeets, and Saphira had to figure out which one to go to depending on location, number of races and prize money. So she used time during class to figure that out. Teachers barely bothered her anyway, so she could get away with secret scribbles like that in her private book.

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