Chapter 88

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Trigger Warning for this Chapter

Saphira trembled as Soundwave drove up to Trump Tower. The luxury hotel seemed to be one of the few buildings left untouched by the decepticons. She guessed she shouldn't be surprised since Dylan was working for the decepticons, and they still needed him. But for Saphira, she was looking at a tower full of dread. She did not want to be here. She wanted to flee, and escape the city. Especially since she knew that Megatron was unlikely to comply with Sentinel. She was dreading what Megatron was planning for her. She well and truly was.

Saphira did not struggle as Dylan got out of the car and walked around to grab her from the passenger seat and force her to walk into the building. She was hoping that the room she would be forced into would have some way she could get out. If it did, she would most certainly take advantage of it and make her way out of the building, and try to get out of the city. She did not want to be here.

"I guess you can be considered one of the lucky ones to be given mercy by the decepticons," Dylan said with a smug expression as he walked with her into the building. "I guess you must have earned some kind of respect from Sentinel, which is why he was hesitant in allowing Megatron to even be near you." He chuckled a little as he thought it was very amusing. "But he betrayed Optimus. So it shouldn't be a surprise that he will keep betraying you. At least, until you accept Megatron as your sparkmate. Maybe you'll get a case of Stockholm syndrome."

Saphira frowned as she listened to him. "And what about you? You have all this money, and the ability to make choices, Dylan. Why are you not making your own decisions? You could choose to stop this, you could choose to save lives."

"Do you really think they give you a choice?" Dylan shook his head before flinching. Saphira turned her head and she saw Laserbeak following then. "I inherited a client from my father, and they don't exactly give you many choices. It is either comply or die. Either way, if it was not me, it would be someone else! I hope you understand."

She shook her head. "No, I don't. I do not understand at all, Dylan. I'm a millionaire by inheritance as well. And I could never think that would put in a position above everyone else. But it gives me the power of choices."

Dylan let out a scoff of amusement. "That might be true, and I still haven't worked out what work your grandfather did that he passed it to you and not his son, but I am good at digging deeper!" He walked her over to an elevator and forced her inside before pressing a button. Laserbeak did not follow as he flew up the stairs instead. "I am all about wanting to survive. You must understand that as a basic need for human survival."

She glared at the man. "Tell that to all the bodies out there. All those people wanted to survive. Men, women and children, tell that to them!" She gasped as Dylan almost backhands her, only to stop himself when he knew he would be in trouble. She shook her head as he lowered his hand. "You could stop this. All you need is some kind of explosive to destroy the control pillar."

"And you think I'm going to jeopardize my life over that? I don't think so. I'll have my maids ensure you are scrubbed down as Megatron has ordered." Saphira grimaced and tears fill her eyes. "Don't forget that it was you who made the choice to run into a burning city. You cannot blame anyone else for that, but yourself. But I guess grief can make one do stupid choices. I hope it was worth it."

Saphira looked at the elevator doors as it continued to go up the floors. She thought more about all this and looked at Dylan. "But I am still confused." He raised an eyebrow at her. "They said they were here for our resources. But then I heard them say something about bringing Cybertron here. What the hell does that mean?"

The man smirked at her and he shrugged. "Well...I know that you were able to work out the first part of their plan. But you weren't able to work out the rest of it." He let out a light chuckle as she narrowed her eyes at him. "But really one resource in particular. One unique to our planet." Saphira still did not understand as she listened to him. "You see, they can't rebuild without a slave labour force."

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