Chapter 84

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When the morning finally came around, Saphira opened her eyes to the sound of the hum of an engine. The golden light of the sun filtered through the windows, showing that it was early in the morning that she was waking up to. And yet, she could not smile. The golden rays of the sun were nothing more than an irritation. She wanted to block out the sun, wishing for clouds to cover the sun and give rain instead of a clear, blue sky. That would be a better preference to her than the light of the sun. Though she knew she could not choose what the day was going to be like. Nature did that. She had no say in it.

She did not make it known to Robert that she was awake just yet. She wanted to just lay there. She was glad that she was able to get some sleep, but she still felt tired when she woke up. It was mental exhaustion more than physical exhaustion. Though she wasn't really surprised. She didn't have anything to really look forward to today, other than the possibility of stopping Sentinel and the decepticons. Even if it kills her, she would be willing to do it.

As she laid there, she rubbing her stomach gently as she thought about her sparkling. She could not help but wonder what it would look like. It would mostly likely be a hybrid between human and transformer, and she would be curious to know if her son or daughter would be able to transform. And she would be curious to know what they could transform into. But that did not matter to her. She loved them already. Even if they could not transform, and were likely going to be bigger than her when fully grown, she would love them. And she was going to tell them all about their father, and how amazing he was.

I am going to make sure our sparkling knows you, Optimus. I am glad I have some least they will know you from me...I just wish you were here to tell them about I think it would be important due to it being their heritage. But I will do my best, Optimus.

Saphira rubbed her eyes before she sat up slowly. She saw that Robert was driving again, while the other man, David, was sitting in the passenger seat. David seemed to be in thirties, with a clean shaved head with brown hair and lightly tan skin. He turned his head when he noticed movement and smiled kindly. "Seems like the lady is waking back up." He glanced at Robert who looked at Saphira briefly. "She's brave to come along with us."

"This was her idea to begin with, Dave," Robert responded to his friend. "But she is a lot braver than me. She's gone and done things that I would have been ordered to do, not because I would want to." Saphira smiled a little as she found that a little amusing. "But now I am going to be doing the crazy thing as well. Going into the belly of the dragon."

"Yeah..." David looked ahead as they were still at least an hour from Chicago. "Do you think we should pull over..." He watched several cars speed by them in hurry, as he noticed a lot of vehicles were leaving from the direction of Chicago. "I imagine the young lady will want food."

Robert thought about it and he nodded. "Do you need food, Saphira? Or, at least, the restroom? There's a gas station coming up, and we can make a quick pitstop. After that, we are not going to stop. We are going to keep on going."

Saphira thought about the question before she shrugged. "I could use the restroom at least. I don't particularly need to be peeing on myself. And if I decide to buy some will be light. You guys can do what you want as well."

Robert nodded as he fully understood. "Good. You probably will need it." Robert had not really mentioned to his friends that Saphira was pregnant yet, but it might be mentioned eventually. "I have to say though, there are a lot of people leaving Chicago. It is making me think that the decepticons have done something already. But the radio has been out for some reason. I guess the powerlines and radio towers are down, or something."

Saphira did not know that was happening so she could only shrug. She watched as David grabbed out a radio to inform their comrades in the vehicles following behind them that they were pulling over for a quick pitstop. Saphira felt a little bad since she was the reason that the pitstop was being required. But maybe some of the men needed a pitstop as well. She would feel bad if she was the only one going in for the bathroom and a snack. She might at least get water.

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