Chapter 38

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Saphira was terrified right now, she was being brought to Megatron by the Fallen. She did not think he would, considering he despises the human race, so it was odd to her that he would do this. Nonetheless, Saphira trembled in his grasp as the Fallen reaches the top of the pyramid. She gazed around in disbelief, hoping Optimus would get to them in time to put an end to all of this and save the planet.

"Fallen, my master," Megatron spoke in a respectful tone. "It has been such a pleasure today. I apologize for not being able to stop the revival of Optimus. However...I am pleased you brought her to me."

Fallen grimaces, glancing at Saphira for a moment. "I don't understand your interest in her, but she will produce fine sparklings for you." He suddenly tossed her towards Megatron. The girl shrieked in surprise before Megatron caught her. "Make sure she does not cause any further trouble. Not even my brothers could stop me from this."

Saphira watched as Megatron held her in his palm, she saw the Matrix being moved into a slot of the machine and she heard it come to life. "Yes, no one could stop you. Not even you, little thing." She grimaced as Megatron spoke to her. "Oh, you have been through so much. I will make sure you are well looked after."

She turned her head to look at him with a frown. "You shot me!"

He shrugged casually. "You are not dead."

She sighed and looked away, grimacing at the pain in her ribs. "Well..." She shuddered at the Fallen glared at her with a disgusted expression. "Um..."

"Pathetic insect..." Fallen hissed before grinning at her. "Watch now!" The crests around his face twitch as he spoke. He glanced upward and spread his arms. "Now I claim your sun!"

Saphira glanced down as the gears turn within the machine and she trembled. "All this to save Cybertron huh?" She mumbled softly.

"What did you say?" Megatron hissed at her, making her flinch from his voice. He growled a little and lifts his finger to rub her forehead gently. "Such a pretty, little thing. I am so..." Saphira coughed suddenly, making him grimace and she covered her mouth with her hand. She groaned and looked at her hand to see the red liquid. Megatron was surprised to see the blood on her hands. "Hmm..." He moves her to his shoulder suddenly, she gasped and grabbed a hold of his shoulder to keep from slipping. "You will stay there, do not move. If you do, I will not be so kind."

Saphira just nodded before yelping as missiles impact the side of the pyramid. She glanced down and realized that the soldiers had turned their weapons towards the pyramid in an attempt to destroy the machine. She smiled slightly, she knew they would not give up until there was no hope left. She wipes her hand on her clothes, taking deep breaths to try and ignore the pain. Still, she did wonder if Megatron moved her to his shoulder because he noticed she was in pain.

"They don't give up do they!" Fallen hissed angrily, glaring at the missiles that were being launched towards them.

She looked at Fallen with a raised eyebrow. "It would be more cowardly to not defend our own world."

He turned his head towards her and growled at her. "Shut your mouth! Do not speak to me, maggot!"

He lunged something towards her and Saphira yelped, huddling against Megatron's neck, and tensing when she felt a crack against her side. She whimpered, realizing he had whipped her with something. "Shit..." She cursed before she realized she was huddled against Megatron. He was grinning at her and she shifted back, though she trembled from the pain and glanced at her side, widening to see her shirt had been burned through and there was a large burn mark on top of the bruise from her broken ribs. "Fantastic..."

"You should be more respectful," Megatron mocked her with a chuckle. "Oh, but I do love how you huddled against me. He, he, he, Optimus will be so mad at you when he finds that out."

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