Chapter 93

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It had taken a couple hours for Ratchet to fix Optimus's arm. In the time, Optimus could only think of Saphira. His mind could not think of anything else. While he could see the devastation of a burning city around him, and he was sorry that so many people had to be put in danger, but his processor could only focus on his sparkmate and sparkling. Lennox did inform Optimus that Saphira had arrived at the base, and had been taken in for surgery. Optimus had no idea why she needed surgery, but he did not see the full state of Saphira's body. He saw her wrapped up, and he felt only the pain she was feeling. But Ratchet did tell him that he knew she would need surgery. Megatron had probably caused a lot of tearing within her birthing canal, and it needed repair. Optimus hoped that her womb was not torn as well.

He was informed that Mearing was on her way to the nearby NEST base as well. She was likely coming to speak with the autobots, given that the autobots faked their deaths. And she would be there to likely learn about what happened with Saphira and anything else that happened in the city itself. Optimus did not care that she was coming. He knew it was important for the woman to do her job, so it mattered little to him she was on her way. 

When his arm was fixed, Optimus left the city with the autobots. The autobots had remained to give some assistance to Lennox within the city, as they felt as though they should not leave the city stranded away. Barricade had wanted to leave after he had dealt with Dylan, but he remained after learning Saphira had been taken into surgery. He didn't particularly want to just sit and wait in the hospital to hear news about Saphira.

But now they no longer had to remain. Lennox gave them permission to be dismissed as he knew that the autobots wanted nothing more than to go to Saphira. He knew he could have let only Optimus go, but he did not want the other autobots to be upset. And they were now on their way to the NEST base so they could be beside Saphira, or at least, as close to her as they could be.

Optimus himself knew that Saphira would probably be angry at them. They did fake their deaths after all. She would want an explanation. He knee that she would probably feel more hurt knowing that she had gone into the city because she was grieving. And if she had known, she wouldn't have gone into the city. He couldn't find anyone to blame but the decepticons. If they hadn't trapped Saphira with the little decepticon on her wrist, he would have told her. But he couldn't. And now that he knew Saphira was pregnant, the sparkling would have been extremely vulnerable to the attacks from that small decepticon too.

He did not know if the sparkling had been harmed either. He did block his side of the bond, and doing that also meant he blocked the natural bond he had with the sparkling. So he would have had no idea, and Optimus felt extremely guilty that he was not there for them. Especially since he now knew what lengths Saphira would go in her grief. Though he knew he should have known. Saphira was grieving when she saved him with the extremes seemed to be normal to Saphira.

However, another thing that hurt was that Saphira told him that she had no one else in her life that she could turn to. Hearing her say that before they faked their death hurt. It showed there was a part of Saphira that was hurting over the fact that her parents had disowned her. She had yearned for a family, and she found one with the autobots. So it elevated that feeling of grief in Saphira, and it made her not think straight.

When they finally arrived at the NEST base, they make their way over to the hospital. As they stop, all the autobots form their holoforms and prepare to head inside. However, Optimus did not. Ratchet noticed straight away as he was about to run into the hospital. He was a little confused as he looked as the peterbilt with a frown. He then worried that Optimus's holoform system was damaged.

Ratchet ended up transforming while his holoform stood by. The autobots stopped themselves from going into the hospital upon realizing this as well. "Don't tell I missed the damage to your holoform system when I was repairing your arm, Optimus," Ratchet said with a frown. "You might as well let me have a look so..."

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