Chapter 65

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Saphira finally arrived back at the apartment building and she carried her groceries up to her apartment. She couldn't stop thinking who could have possibly been watching her. She hated the fact that she could have been followed through the store, and she didn't even notice. But she definitely didn't want to be followed, so she was nervous. She could only think of a few possibilities of who has been following her. She didn't think it could be a decepticon, but she would find out very shortly once she returned to the apartment. And she expected to be followed by the same person over the next couple days as well.

Once she walked into the apartment, Wheelie rolled over to her as he saw her carrying the bags. "You bought a lot of stuff," The scrap bot commented with a smile. "Maybe you should let me carry some and I'll get them to the counter."

"Thanks, Wheelie, but I think I can manage on my own, thanks," Saphira responded to him politely. "You can help me put things away though once I place them down." She walked into the kitchen and sighed as she placed the bags down. "The worst part about apartments, getting all the groceries for a single trip just makes sense."

Wheelie chuckled as he rolled over and began snooping into the bags and Saphira opened the fridge. "You got a few things, hmm? This seems to be a lot."

"It will all be enough, Wheelie. It might look like a lot, but it isn't really." She began to put stuff away, and Wheelie followed. She looked over at Brains as he was still at the laptop with a frown. "So what did you exactly see?"

Brains looked at Saphira for a moment before he let out a sigh. "There's some kind of fellow that's following you. It would seem he is definitely keeping an eye on you on when you leave the apartment."

Saphira shuddered a little as she listened to him. "Okay, is it someone I know?"

"How would I know?" Brains shrugged before turning the laptop around for Saphira to see. She saw it was a middle aged, Asian man with slightly untidy hair, brown eyes and glasses. He seemed to have an anxious expression on his face. She saw the image was taken in the supermarket. "This guy was following you, Saphira. He seemed to get out of some beat up Prius, and he has been following you."

"I definitely don't know him," Saphira said as she looked at the image. "Are you able to figure out who he is?"

"Yep, sure have," Brains responded affirmatively, pushing his finger into the USB port and a few files showed up on the screen. "This guy works at Accuretta Systems, he's been there for years, from my understanding. Anyway, I got the dig on his work files from the company..." More files showed up on the screen. "And apparently he's on his way to being fired for strange behavior and lacking in his work. The guy's called Jerry Wang."

Saphira hummed softly before frowning. "Huh...Accuretta Systems isn't a place I would think to worry about."

"I don't think the company itself is the concern, Saphira. It is this guy. According to some reports in the company, Jerry started to act strange three months ago, to be exact." She raised an eyebrow as she put the last item away and walked over to Brains. Wheelie jumped onto a chair to climb back onto the table. "The reports include the man talking to himself in his office, acting jumpy and snapping at staff. On top of that, the boss appears to be getting annoyed with the man slacking in his work and getting assignments sent in after the deadlines. Seems like this guy could be working with the decepticons."

"Interesting." Saphira was intrigued as she listened. "Accuretta Systems is here in Washington...but I didn't feel like I was being watched until I got back from Texas this week. Would that mean Jerry has been forced to follow me?"

"Or the guy is following you for something else," Wheelie said with a shrug. "He doesn't seem like the kind of guy who could stand up to the cons anyway. He seems like a wimp."

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