Chapter 59

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When Saphira woke up, she could hear the familiar rumble of the peterbilt engine, and she opened her eyes to see the peak of dawn as the golden light filled the sky and touched the clouds. She rubbed her eyes as they adjust to the natural, bright light of the sun and she looked out the window, and she saw familiar, open fields of long grass. She blinked and looked around, spotting cows and horses grazing in the pastures and she smiled. She knew where she was. They were not far from her grandfather's house and she was quick to wake up.

"Good morning, my sweet gemstone," Optimus's voice purred through the radio. "And happy birthday. I see you already seem to know where we are." Saphira nodded as she looked around, feeling memories rushing back to her. She remembers being in the old, brown sedan her parents used to own and she would have the window all the way down and she would sing her heart out while hanging her head out the window as they drive to her grandparent's house. "I dare hope that today is going to be filled with good memories."

"I have no doubt that it will," Saphira said confidently, placing her hand on the window button to roll it down. She peered out the window with a smile. She smelt the air and she caught the scent of livestock and hay. "Oh yeah, I remember that smell." She chuckled softly. "I am surprised you didn't pull in already."

"I felt it would be wrong to roll into the property while you were asleep," Optimus said gently, happy that Saphira was feeling excited about being here. "We have already pass the property once and we decided to just drive around the area. I have to say, it is rather nice out here. There are no huge buildings surrounding us, there is just open fields with animals and there is something pleasant our here."

"I am glad you seem to notice. I am afraid it is something that people who live in the city don't seem to notice. They only see that there is hardly anything like cinemas, amusement parks, big shopping centres and restaurants, and that is why most tend to dislike the country living." Saphira shrugged as she liked being out here. "And while I've lived in the city, there's nothing like coming home to the country." She closed her eyes as the wind blew through her hair. "This is so nice...and there's hardly any traffic out here. That is what I love about it. We might be hours away from the nearest town, but it is worth it."

"I assume that would mean we would have to take you shopping, right?" She nodded a little. "And another reason why you intend on growing your own food...that I can definitely understand." Saphira chuckled softly as she was happy Optimus could understand. "Hmm...maybe while we are here, we can help you set things up for your garden."

"Really?" Saphira looked at the dash before looking at the passenger seat as his holoform formed and she smiled at him. "I would love that. I want to set up a green house too. I can't have a garden without a green house, and a chicken coop."

"Sounds like we have some projects, but we will focus on having fun today first," Optimus said as he shuffled closer, and she pulled her head inside to lean over and kiss him. "I suppose while you are still healing, it will make life easier for you." She giggled and nodded in agreement that it would be easier. "We are about ten minutes from your grandfather's house. Shall I take my time?"

She gave him a playful frown before turning and grabbing her bag to grab out the keys. "Don't you dare. I really want to get home, Optimus. It feels like it has been a long time coming. Besides...I think..." Saphira paused and looked out the window. "I probably will end up being emotional. I have a lot of memories tied to this place...and I know I will remember a lot of things with my granddad."

Optimus placed a hand on her shoulder, looking at her sympathetically. "I am expecting it to be that way. And I will make sure that I am here for you, no matter what, Saphira." He kissed her again and she felt happier. "If you need to take your time today, I will make sure you are given that right. I know the others are excited, but we want to make sure you have a good day. I have a feeling answers will be revealed, and more questions will also arise."

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