Chapter 74

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It has been two days since they had arrived at the campsite. It was now evening on their second night, and they had spent the day walking along the trails around the campsite, and enjoying the nature itself. Saphira had spent a lot of time talking with everyone as they walked along the path. Especially with Sentinel as she spoke enthusiastically about different things about the world. Sentinel never once tried to interrupt her when she spoke, and he seemed to be genuinely happy that she was so enthusiastic about sharing things about this world with him. Even if what she was focused on was the forest and animals that were around them currently. As he saw how Optimus was thoroughly enjoying the nature surrounding them as well.

Ironhide and Sideswipe had just collected enough firewood to place into the fire pit and Saphira lit the wood with her lighter. She waited for the fire to burn stronger before she would even tried to cook anything. She did bring some potatoes, so she wrapped two in aluminium foil and she was lucky there was room to safely place the potatoes at the base of the pit to cook. As for the rest of the food, she mostly brought things that didn't need to be cold to stay fresh. She had some tin spaghetti that she ate while they all sat around the fire.

"And that is how I gave Optimus the Matrix in Egypt." Saphira smiled as she had just finished telling Sentinel the story on how she found the Matrix and brought Optimus back to life with it. "It is a memory that I don't think I will ever forget. I had so much hope and belief that it would work bringing him back, that I am sure that my love and determination was the reason why the Matrix repaired itself."

Sentinel was rubbing his chin as he listened to the story. Saphira sat next to Optimus, and she leaned against him happily. " that is the tail of hope you retrieved the Matrix...fascinating. And it all started on the fact you touched a piece of the All Spark. I suppose it has always been fate that you would be the one to save a Prime. That kind of makes you one too."

Saphira chuckled softly. "I am flattered you would put me in the same category as you and Optimus, but I really can't see it, if I am honest. I just did what I had to do. Just like I would any other time." Saphira turned her head and looked at Optimus. "But I hope that I never have to see you get killed again, Optimus. That still traumatized me."

Optimus leaned in and kissed her, gently brushing strands of hair from her face with his fingers. "I cannot make a promise like that, Saphira. I can only promise that I will not allow myself to drop my guard like I had, which resulted in my death." He kissed her again and she shuffled herself closer to him to press her body against his warm holoform. "I don't want to think about that moment all the time."

"I don't. But I do sometimes have nightmares where I am back in that forest, running and running, and I see you die by Megatron's hands. So it is not easy to get away from that memory at all, Optimus." She looked at the fire as Optimus held her tightly around the waist. "But at least it is now just a dream. Because I wake up, and you are still here."

"As it should be."

Sentinel observed Saphira and Optimus quietly. He had been watching how the two interacted over the afternoon, and he could see just how much Optimus adored and loved Saphira. And she also loved Optimus deeply. They seem to really mesh well together in terms of personality. Saphira had picked up a wildflower while they were walking along the trail, and to her surprise, a butterfly landed on it without fear. Sentinel had no idea what insect it was, but he watched Optimus manage to lift the butterfly onto his finger, and he said that the way he took care in not harming the butterfly was how he cared for Saphira. And she loved how he said it.

Sentinel has not really sorted out how he felt about Optimus having a human for a sparkmate. He was happy Optimus found someone to love, but he wasn't entirely sure about how he felt about a human being his sparkmate. Sentinel did see a lot of things about Saphira that made him understand why Optimus would have fallen for her, but she was still a human. And while it did not seem a sparkling has been born from them, Sentinel knew that it was possible that they could have one.

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