Chapter 24

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Four weeks later...

It was a couple weeks before her classes would actually start, but Saphira was pretty much all packed up and ready to go. She had sold all but two of her cars, it was rather hard to let those cars go. But, she made quite a sum for the five cars she sold, and they would be put to go use at the local raceways. The house was pretty much empty too, she sold what she wouldn't need at college and kept the bare minimum for the last few days. The kitchen appliances and vacuum were the only things she would leave behind because they all belonged to the landlord. She had her Nissan and Daytona loaded into a truck to be delivered in Princeton a week ago as well, she had already made connections in Princeton through her racing friends in LA and the vehicles would be delivered and stored in a rented garage Saphira had found. It was pretty easy to find one, she would likely stay in the garage getting to know the city and fellow raceway members before she would officially start college. To her, it was a good plan. She still thought about Optimus though. Waking up to his picture beside her brought her some happiness...yet it also made her sad at the same time. She did not realize she miss the commander when she first met him. Not this terribly. Perhaps it was the times they spent alone together that made her feel this way. After all, he treated her as though she was a fragile thing, and opened up to her about somethings, and she opened up to felt natural. She wanted to say it was just a fling...but she was not so sure.

She was due to fly out of LA in the next day, she was packing up her clothes and toiletries. She separated the clothes she would wear to races from her casual wear and ensured her makeup was all secure and would not spill on the flight. She made sure to keep one pair of clothing set out for the next day so she could change and get into the taxi. Her landlord already was aware that she was leaving and everything was settled. Saphira sighed, smiling as she gazed around the bedroom. It was practically empty except for the sleeping bag and pillow she had on the ground. She was glad she had this place for a year. She looked at the in-built wardrobe, there was still one set of clothing she has not touched in an entire year. The same shirt and jeans she had worn the day of Mission City. She did not really know why she kept it, maybe it was sentimental in a way because it was a memory of her saving the planet and saving Optimus's life. She did not think there would ever come such an important day again.

Still, she decided maybe it was time to get rid of these clothes. She was never going to wear them again, and she doubted she could fit in them right now she had grown a little in the last year. She took a deep breath and stepped up to the wardrobe, grabbing the hangar and bringing it out, looking at the outfit, her thoughts roamed back to when she first met Bee, Optimus, the autobots and everything that happened during that time. She even wondered what happened to Simmons after Sector Seven was shut down. She knew about it since Lennox mentioned it to her. As far as she knew, he was not part of the government anymore. Which was good in a way, she didn't know how he became an agent. But...not everyone who works for the government were necessarily smart or sound minded.

Saphira shakes her head, turning the hangar slightly to gaze at the holes in the shirt and jeans, though as she gazed at them a glimmer caught her eye. She grimaced a little from the glare and glanced down, widening her eyes in shock at what she saw. She placed the hangar back into the wardrobe and knelt down to pick it up. It was a metal shard of something. Something she had seen before. It was the length of her pinkie and the markings on it were not of Earth, but of transformers. She realized this was a shard of the Cube! She didn't know how a piece of it ended up stuck to her clothing all this time, as far as she knew there was only one piece left and it was kept under guard by the government. Now, she had this piece in her hand.

But as she held and stared at it, her mind suddenly felt as though an overwhelming amount of information was filling it and the shard suddenly sparked as it grew hot very quickly in her fingers. She gasped and dropped the shard, licking her fingers to soothe the burning feeling while glancing down. To her shock, the shard melts through the wood and it quickly began to burn. She stamped on the flames quickly to put it out and rushed to the bathroom to fill a cup with water and pour it on the smouldering wood. She inspected it and she was glad the whole was not massive, but she hoped the landlord would not notice and have her pay for it.

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