Chapter 79

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It felt like it was slow motion. Sentinel just admitted there was a deal that had been made with Megatron. He had now pretty confirmed their very fears. Barricade's hunch was right. A deal had been made between Megatron and Sentinel, and the leader of the decepticons has been working to try and get this plan to work. Whatever plan they originally had for the All Spark was likely gone, but the plan for Sentinel could still happen. And it honestly felt as though the world had slowed right now, and Saphira did not like it.

Her eyes widen as he turned, his charged canon was now being aimed. She gasped for a moment as she thought he was going to aim it at her, but then he aimed it at Ironhide. "NOOOO!!" Saphira screamed, though she realized she heard someone else screaming the very same thing. She frowned, thinking she heard Barricade.

She glanced over her shoulder and jumped to the side as Barricade sped through the gate and towards Sentinel Prime. It was Barricade who had shouted at the same time as her. The roar of the engine caught Sentinel's attention, and as he was about to fire, Barricade rammed Sentinel's feet, forcing the bot off them and falling to the ground with a heavy thud. Barricade turned sharply and transformed, revealing damage to his abdomen as sparks flared and energon leaking from the severed veins. Ironhide turned in shock, watching Barricade run at Sentinel as he moved to get up and he began to repeatedly punch him.

"You think you can walk on this planet and destroy the very ground you walk on?!" Barricade hissed angrily, making Sentinel grunt and growl angrily as his face and chassis were repeatedly struck. "You strung us all along with your little masquerade! Now the mask falls!"

Sentinel roared, delivering an uppercut to Barricade's jaw, while standing up and grabbed him by the throat and swung him around, slamming him into the building. "You are just a pity, fooled traitor!" He growled, narrowing his optics at Barricade as the weakened bot tried punching first. "You think you can take me on? You are...AAARRHH!"

Ironhide grabbed Sentinel's helmet and threw him back from Barricade, moving to position himself between Sentinel and Barricade. "You dare to speak ill of Barricade for his choice to walk away from violence?" Ironhide growled as Sentinel glared at me. "You made a deal with the devil, punk!" He began to charge his canons, narrowing his optics at him. "It is time to cleanse your filth from this planet! Arrgh!"

"Saphira, get back!" Lennox shouted, grabbing Saphira by the arm as Ironhide fired his canons at Sentinel. He ran at the larger bot, while Sideswipe and Bumblebee began to fire their canons at Sentinel as well. "Get back, get back!" Lennox gestured to his men to aim for Sentinel. "Get Barricade out of here!" He pulled his radio out and began to shout. "RATCHET! Where the hell are you?! We got a bot down, and Sentinel Prime has just gone crazy!"

Saphira was pulled towards the building, but she struggled to fight to get out of their grips as she looked at Barricade. Barricade was still trying to fight Sentinel as the larger transformer fought the other autobots. Dino sped over to Barricade in an attempt to help him, but Barricade was fuelled by rage at this point. His anger being directed at Sentinel made Saphira now believe that Sentinel Prime himself had shot Barricade off the bridge.

Sentinel growled as he tried shooting at Bumblebee and Sideswipe as they were smaller and weaker than Ironhide. They were using the various trailers and shipping containers that were left around the entry to the tunnel as shields. And that was when Sentinel began to shoot at the humans as the soldiers began shooting at him, and this cause Sentinel Prime to get angry and several soldiers already died from the blast of his canon. This infuriated Ironhide, as he had become close friends with many of the soldiers, and he ran at Sentinel to punch him. Even though Sentinel was larger than he was, Sentinel was most definitely feeling them. And he began to back away from Ironhide, punching his right cheek to try and stop him. Saphira was watching fight, but she was pulled into the building, and she was unable to see. But she quickly began making her way to hangar, knowing that is where Sentinel was heading.

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