Chapter 87

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Saphira glanced left and right at both Laserbeak and Dylan nervously. She knew she had to think of something quickly to try and get away. She moved closer to the shelves behind her, taking deep breaths as she glanced left and right. Dylan and Laserbeak said nothing, while Dylan was the one walking towards her. Laserbeak just stood there watching to see what would happen. Saphira grabbed a bottle of vinegar and threw it at Dylan. The man shouts in surprise, covering his face as the bottle hits his elbow and shattering loudly. She threw another vinegar bottle before she grabbed an oil bottle and threw it at Laserbeak. Laserbeak squawked loudly and jumped back as the bottle landed on his face and covered his body in oil.

"Ahh! And oil bath!" Laserbeak spread his wings and shook his body with a smile on his face. "That is actually quite nice...AAHH!" He grimaced as she threw another oil bottle at him, shattering the glass on his body again. "Oil does not hurt me, pest!"

She threw another vinegar bottle at Dylan as the man found a stand to hide behind to stop her from throwing vinegar at him, especially as droplets of the acidic liquid touched his eyes. With Dylan needing a moment, Saphira grabbed an oil spray bottle and threw it at Laserbeak. The decepticon was a little surprised, though Saphira began to run as she grabbed out her handgun and shot at the cannister. Several bullets was all it took before the cannister exploded into flames, and Laserbeak shrieked as his body was quickly covered with fire due to the oil on his body.

Saphira ran past Dylan as the man looked at her in bewilderment for having the thought to even do that. He looked back at Laserbeak as the decepticon flapped his wings and thrashed around the store. The fire didn't seem to be actually burning him badly, but he was disorientated. He looked back at Saphira and he frowned before he stood up and began to chase after her. She still had her handgun in her hand, and Dylan grabbed his out now that she has shown she has a weapon with her.

Saphira could hear Dylan chasing after her as she ran through the shop desperately looking for a way out. She did not know how many bullets she had left in her handgun, so she did not even try to fire at Dylan. Dylan also was not firing at her as causing harm to her would result in him being terminated, and he knew it. But the handgun would provide leverage for them when he did get close enough to grab her. And Dylan was determined to catch her.

Saphira ran to the other side of the store and she spotted glass windows that have yet to be shattered. She glanced around for a door, but she paid little mind as Dylan's footsteps were getting closer. She ran at the window, picked up a milk crate on the way and threw it at the window, and covered her face and head as she jumped through the window, hearing the crunch of glass underneath her shoes as she ran onto the street.

She shrieked and turned right as Soundwave leaned around the corner of the shop, and he grinned at her. "I have to say, this is by far the most exciting chase you are giving us. All the other humans have been so boring and annoying. You are actually earning my respect...surprisingly." He scoffed in amusement, and looked at the broken window as he saw Dylan jumping out of it. He narrowed his optics upon seeing the weapon in his hand. "Remember, insect operative, you are to not cause harm to the girl. Do you understand?" Dylan glanced back at Soundwave with a quick nod as he kept chasing Saphira. "I hope you do. None of us are going to care if we have to tear your limbs from your body. Megatron's orders are clear. She is to be brought to him unharmed!"

"I know, Soundwave!" Dylan shouts back breathlessly without looking back at him. "I know my orders! I will bring her to you! You have my word!"

Soundwave sneered at him with disgust. "Your word means very little. Just do as your told! Fail, you die. Hurt her, you die. So your only reward from this, will be your pitiful, little life! I hope you cherish it very much!"

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