Chapter 33

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Saphira hissed as she landed on the sandy hill. Her left hand was burning. She glanced at him with a grimace, it looked quite bad and it hurt like hell. As she rolled onto her back, she screamed when she saw Barricade's body falling towards her. She scurried to her feet and ran before he lands heavily into the sand, she breathed heavily as she held her left hand up slightly. She glanced around and realized they were not in Washington anymore, it was a large, arid desert with a lot of cliffs.

"Saphira, are you okay?" Barricade asked, groaning as he brushes sand from his chassis. He noticed the injury on her hand. "Oh no, you're hurt! Jetfire hurt you!" He punched the ground and Saphira backed away fearfully. ", it's just frustrating to know that."

"I am sure he didn't mean to," Saphira said, holding her wrist with a grimace. "If only I brought my first aid kit, I could wrap it in a bandage."

Barricade's expression softened, wishing he had something to help her with. "Sadly, I do not hold such a case." He glanced up as Bee approached and smiled. "Oh, well, Bumblebee seems to."

She turned to face Bee and smiled at him as he dropped to one knee, holding out the first aid kit to her. "I always carry one just in case," He said through the radio. She grabbed the kit and opened it to grab a bandage. Bee looked around and spotted Jetfire standing on a rocky ledge. "Seems like you have an ancestral connection to us."

Saphira tensed when Bee mentioned that. "So, it would seem. My grandfather never told me a thing. Just that it was a secret, and I won't know until I'm eighteen. I kind of hope Jetfire sticks might be like a piece of my grandfather still here."

"You would be okay with that grumpy bot around?" Barricade asked as he watched her wrap her hand gently with the bandage. She nodded with a slight shrug. "Hmm, well, he seems like he has a lot of knowledge to offer. I think he should stick around for that. We could use someone as old and wise like him."

Saphira admired her work on her hand, it was still hurting, but at least it was covered for now. "Nothing wrong with a little wisdom. Besides..." She glanced around with a frown and looked towards Jetfire. "We better find out where the hell we are. I have no clue where we are. This doesn't look like an American desert."

"I agree. Where are the twins?" Barricade frowned as he glanced around and spotted the two bots waving from a cliff face above. "Ah, that settles that mystery. You boys should get down from there."

"No way! Not after bein' tossed like that!" Skids responded with a shake of his head. "Gramps is over there! Go deal with him yourself!"

Saphira walked towards Jetfire with the two bots following her. "They'll get down on their own. Wheelie and Simmons are over there with Jetfire. Did Jetfire use some kind of teleporter or something?"

"Probably," Bumblebee shrugged. "That is what it felt like. Never felt something so powerful before."

As they approach Jetfire, it appeared Simmons was ranting on about something to Jetfire, the older bot seemed to be staring towards some cliffs thoughtfully and he was getting annoyed with the man. Bee and Barricade help Saphira get up to the ledge where they both were.

"Oh, shut up, fleshing!" Jetfire snaps at Simmons, startling Saphira and the bots. She frowned at the man as he seemed to be the reason why the former decepticon was annoyed. "I told you I was opening a space bridge, it's the fastest way to Egypt."

Egypt? "I'm sorry, what?" Saphira said in confusion, getting Jetfire's attention and his narrowed eyes. "You didn't tell us anything! You didn't warn us about the space bridge, why are we in Egypt?" She glanced around in disbelief at the country she was now in.

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