Chapter 29

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*Minor Trigger Warning for this Chapter*

The decepticon leader grinned deviously at Saphira as she stared at him in disbelief. Her heart was racing, and she could only hope that Optimus was on his way. She was sure Barricade would have alerted him by least, that is what she hoped for. Sophia herself stared at him and whimpered cowardly as Saphira stepped closer to him.

"Come here, girl," Megatron ordered in a near gentle tone. She walked closer nervously as he watched her. "Closer."

"I takes more than the Cube to kill you, huh?" Saphira said in a slightly sarcastic, yet very nervous tone.

He huffed slightly at her words. "Of course. I am not so easy to kill. You and Prime will know that from today."

Saphira nodded slowly as she reached the stairs. " this is some kind of revenge's please. All I ask is..."

"SHUT UP!" Megatron roared, reaching out and grabbing her from the stairs. He broke the railing as he did so and threw her to the floor below.

Saphira screamed and lands on a stone bed hard. She grimaced and groaned, placing a hand on her lower back from the throbbing pain she was feeling. She blinked as her eyes blurred slightly and yelped as Megatron stepped forward, stamping his feet either side of her and lowered his hand to her. She gasped as the tips of the fingers had tweezer-like tips on them and griped her wrists tightly, making her grimace from the pain.

"Yes, yes, yes, it feels so good to grab your flesh," Megatron said, lowering his head slightly to gaze at her. "And it seems, you have grown even more beautiful than I last saw you." He and Saphira both hear a loud giggle and look up at Sophia who covered her mouth when eyes were looking at her. Megatron narrowed his eyes slightly and looked back down at Saphira, the inner blades of his palm reached down and ran along her shirt. "This is a much more favourable position for you. Oh, how I long to take you for my own, I sense Optimus has not made you his sparkmate yet. Even if he acts like he has one."

Saphira looked up at him with fear filled eyes. " get you're mad...I managed to kill you...but...I-I was just...trying to..."

"Save your skin, I know." Megatron chuckled coldly and she yelped as the blades rip her shirt in half. He spreads the fabric aside, her green bra with diamantes glittered faintly and she tried to move her body to have the fabric cover herself. "Much better. You will make a beautiful sparkmate..."

"Pfft, she's not even beautiful," Sophia said with a scoff, folding her arms slightly.

Megatron looked up at Sophia with a glare. "Who are you?"

"She's an idiot," Saphira grunted with a grimace. The decepticon glanced at Saphira curiously as she glanced up at Sophia. "This isn't a beauty contest!"

Sophia rolled her eyes. "Yeah, sure. I'm rich, I am beautiful! What has she got that I don't?"

Starscream stomped closer to the girl and she yelped, ducking and covering her head. He grabbed her and the girl screamed and wiggled, trying to get out of his grasp. "A brain, that's what she has that you don't."

Saphira let out an amused snort, that is something she definitely agreed with the decepticons. Megatron understood that the two girls were not friendly with each other, and that blonde girl would be nothing but a nuisance to have around.

"Squash that annoying pest!" Megatron ordered, looking back down at Saphira with a grin. "Not that you will care."

"Saphira! Tell him we're friends!" Sophia screamed desperately. "Please!"

Heart of a PrimeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant