Chapter 34

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Bumblebee comes to a stop in front of the barrier at the checkpoint, Saphira and Simmons glanced around nervously at the guards standing their with rifles in their hands. Saphira noticed the cameras above, she ran her hand through her hair to make sure if covered half of her face, she was unsure if she would get noticed though. She heard one of the guards shouting at them angrily, she looked up to see him and it took a moment for her to realize he was very short. She was very nervous, she hoped this would go smoothly, she didn't even know what to say.

"All right, chill," Simmons said in a calm voice, Saphira glanced at him curiously. "This is espionage now, I can handle it." Wheelie gazed closely at the man approaching them and listened to him, making agreeable noises as he listened to the man. "These are my people, I am one-thirty-sixth Arab." She rolled her eyes at him knowing that wasn't going to help.

Wheelie made a comment about the short man as he approached, Saphira ignored him though. She thought it was good that the man had a job with the military here, he probably made up a lot even with his size, so she definitely was not going to judge him at all. He actually frightened her a little a bit, because his expression definitely said he was a no nonsense person. He approached the driver side of the car, she glanced at him nervously as she sat in the seat while Simmons leaned over to her with a polite smile. The man ran his fingers along the side of the car, she grimaced as she heard the squeal along the car and she hoped he didn't scratch Bee. Once the man reached the window, he spoke something in Arabic. Simmons began trying to communicate to the man, using some Arabic phrases with English, though it was clear he didn't know Arabic. He made it seem like they were tourists, or tried to, until he mentioned New York. The man's face quickly changed from stern to surprise when he realized they were from America. Simmons nodded with a smile and the man gestured for them to drive ahead.

They drive through the gate, and Saphira was able to relax. "That was a great definition of fitting in with your people, Seymour. I wasn't even sure that was going to work."

"Hey, we got through. And hopefully having half your hair over your face worked, although if they have good scanners they will figure out who you are." Simmons seemed proud of himself, Saphira was not convinced. "I guess you won't need that wig now."

Saphira brushed her hair from her face and began to French braid it. "Yeah, it feels good to not have it on if I am honest. Those pins were really giving me a headache."

Simmons chuckled a little as the bots drive towards their location. "Should we go through the riddle Jetfire gave us?"

She nodded and they spoke together in unison. "When the dawn alights the Daggers Tip, the Three Kings will reveal the doorway."

"That's what he said. What does that even mean?" Simmons asked, he frowned as he thought about the riddle and didn't know what it meant.

"I wish I knew. Jetfire seems to think we will figure it out." Saphira did think if her grandfather was here, he would be helping her right now. "I hope he sticks around after all this too. I would love to know what my grandfather was like back in the day."

"I guess Everett was a good man if he was able to work with a former decepticon," Simmons said softly, Saphira smiled as she was glad he seemed to respect her grandfather. "I wonder what made Jetfire choose to change his badge anyway. I know Barricade's reason...sort of...unless it is for a different reason." He looked at Saphira curiously, she finished braiding her hair and shrugged. "Strange he only decided to change sides after meeting you." She frowned and looked at him curiously. "Would it be for the same reason as Prime?"

She shakes her head. "In your dreams."

Simmons shrugged and looked out the window, they had fifty kilometres to go before they reach their destination. "To think I get to see the pyramids for the first time too. It will be pretty spectacular."

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